... Brewery, Stockholm Size: 1680 sqm ( 100 workplaces) [page] The office design is based on the spirit of Skype, how it is a useful and playful tool that connects the world. The in-between shapes of interconnected nodes has given us romboid and triangular shapes that is visible in the f...
/show-11498.html 2011-07-11
...一层,地上9层 楼层面积:13000平方米 Project Type:Office+Restaurant Location: Jinfua China Planning Phase :Underconstruction Desinning Period: 2004.02-2005.12 Constructing Period : 2005.12- Completion :Office 2009.04 / Restaurant 2009.07 Scale: the 1st base...
/show-408.html 2010-03-13
英国伦敦的Flexible Office、韩国的Samoo建筑工程公司以及施工管理公司HanmiParso和现代工程与施工公司一起合作,建成了首尔商务区内的一座总部建筑&mdashmdashHN互联网公司的总部。新建筑有着一系列开放的格局,包括会议室和高...
/show-17086.html 2011-11-07
...tive network exchange) 自动网络交换 7. CPO (chief procurement officers) 采购总监 8. CPE (collaborative planning and execution) 合作计划和执行 9. TCA (total cost of acquisition) 总获取成本 10. CPFR (collaborative,planning,forecasting,r...
/show-4549.html 2010-07-28
...种简单明了的构造使得这款椅子不太容易产生故障。 An office chameleon It registers immediately if there are any changes in its surroundings. The chameleon is one of the few animals that is able to change its skin colour to blend in with its surroundings or changes colour accord...
/show-10482.html 2011-05-16
...n the project realization. The issue is simple: to turn these levels into office space and showroom for its clients. A major constraint remains unsolved. How to take advantage of the two corridors that are more than 35m (115 ft) each, leading to the main spaces? The origin of the project consists ...
/show-11302.html 2011-05-30
...esign 2007 Designed flexibility The office is changing. “Offices are looking more and more like living rooms and people also increasingly work on computers at home,” the designer Wijtse Rodenburg describes the current trend. The Ahrend 800 series de...
/show-1241.html 2011-05-16
...tive network exchange) 自动网络交换 7. CPO (chief procurement officers) 采购总监 8. CPE (collaborative planning and execution) 合作计划和执行 9. TCA (total cost of acquisition) 总获取成本 10. CPFR (collaborative,planning,forecasting,replenis...
/show-2960.html 2010-06-02
/show-22112.html 2014-06-26
...lopment Co.,Ltd 联系人: 陈先生:+86-871-5828087转111(office) +86-13769190202(Mobile) 邮箱:78872208@qq.com 孙先生:+86-871-5828087转111(office) +86-13888331143(Mobile) 邮箱:s-f-z520@163.com 苏小姐: +86-871-5828087转105(o...
/show-6270.html 2011-01-21