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11. 德国红点设计大奖 精致室内装饰

...noso’s designers wanted to create a harmonious symbiosis of wood and light. The result is a material that offers new options for creative design. The translucent wood seems to glow from inside out. Almost any artificial light sources can be used as well as natural light. The stronger the light...

/show-1570.html 2011-05-16

12. 美国著名建筑设计师访谈 克雷格 哈特曼

...you were thinking about building such a cathedral (Cathedral of Christ the Light/the Oakland Cathedral)? 问:对于一座宗教建筑,您在设计的时候最关注的具体部分是什么?在您考虑建造这样一座大教堂(基督之光大教堂,又名奥克兰大教堂)的时候...

/show-10564.html 2011-04-27

13. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-J

...uweidah Pink [ J ] 吉利红 PR Red [ J ] 加多利亚(浅) Caladonia (Light) [ J ] 加多利亚(深) Caladonia [ J ] 加拿大白 Canadian White [ J ] 加拿大黑 Lmabrian Black [ J ] 加拿大红 Canada Red 或 Emerald Pearl [ J ] 加拿大朱红麻 Vermillion [ J ] 加州金麻 G...

/show-8493.html 2011-03-23

14. 天然石材名称英语词汇总汇

... 吉达红 Ruweidah Pink 吉利红 PR Red 加多利亚(浅) Caladonia (Light) 加多利亚(深) Caladonia 加拿大白 Canadian White 加拿大黑 Lmabrian Black 加拿大红 Canada Red 加拿大红 Emerald Pearl 加拿大朱红麻 Vermillion 加州金麻 Giallo California 加洲...

/show-200.html 2010-04-09

15. 纯天然石材打造的石材工程欣赏 美洲家园

石材使用面积:5,000m2 Excelsior Condominium外部均采用Light Sienna Beige灰岩。100套共管工程的厨房均用石英岩做台面,用Botticino Classico大理石修饰浴室的顶部。 Kate Spade 的店面采用Emerald Pearl花岗岩,并以Calacatta Gold大理石镶边。True R...

/show-1109.html 2010-04-01

16. 把涂鸦变成灯光 韩国创意灯具设计

...ang Model : Misun Lee ‘Doodle lamp’ is a suspending lamp. Light doesn’t have a shape, but I imagined it has one. As I imagined randomly drawn doodles filling up space, I imagined the doodles becoming light, and I found it to be attractive like poetry.   ** Different k...

/show-11500.html 2011-07-11

17. 2010红点获奖作品 德国Batou CS装饰布料

...ng only part of what it covers and hides: when the sun shines through this light transparent weave with its clear graphic pattern, it creates the effect as if one was looking through a venetian blind. This effect is based on a sophisticated and well thought-out design. The pattern of this decoration...

/show-10456.html 2011-05-16

18. 2010红点获奖作品 格斗士2, 工作照明灯

... and work more effectively. British researchers have found out that bright light counteracts fatigue by blocking the production of melatonin in the body, a messenger compound that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. People working on dark building sites or factories are, for various reasons, dependent o...

/show-10452.html 2011-05-16

19. 光与建筑融为一体-上海华为研发中心

...和安装上。一般办公区和实验区使用的奥德堡照明的 SLOTLIGHT 系列荧光灯具,它是一款嵌入式建筑化灯具,由于灯具的安装需要精确而且隐蔽,这给该灯具的使用和最后效果提出了挑战。除了在安装中使用了辅助工具,同时,对...

/show-18078.html 2011-11-16

20. 德国红点设计大奖 精致创意厨房装饰

...oured, it gives the space to be designed subtle nuances. The appearance is light and delicate, with much leeway for individuality and aesthetics. The horizontal line management of the corpus elements is also reflected in the supporting rear wall element. All elements attached to the wall virtually s...

/show-1445.html 2011-05-16