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11. FXFOWLE为沙特设计“建筑环境博物馆”

...所在“国王阿卜杜勒金融区”(King Abdullah Financial District)有6个有价值的项目。“国王阿卜杜勒金融区”是一个混合用途开发区,面积为5,500万平方英尺。它的其中一个项目是“建筑环境博物馆”(Museum of Built ...

/show-11760.html 2011-08-02

12. 和谁--栾雪雁作品展

...Venue: C5Art Addre: Building F, Xiwu Street, 5 Sanlitun Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027

/show-19060.html 2011-11-23

13. 阿布扎比“罗浮宫”打桩工作完成

...馆也是“萨迪亚特岛文化区”(Saadiyat Island Cultural District)的一部分。 “阿布扎比古根海姆博物馆”的基础将打下1,400根桩,将由Al Habtoor/HSSG JV公司实施,预期于2011年第一季度完成。 阿布扎比“旅游发展投...

/show-5039.html 2011-01-14

14. 库哈斯关注东方

... 这3家公司被“西九龙文化区”(West Kowloon Cultural District)管理机构雇用为“概念计划顾问”。“西九龙文化区”的目标是创造一个文化中心,包括15表演艺术场所、一个公园和一个艺术博物馆。 雷姆-库哈斯...

/show-18402.html 2011-11-22

15. ZNA建筑事务所设计政府楼

...pleted in 2010, is a local government office building in the heart of haxi district. The site is at the crux of harbin's new central business district, which neighbours the city’s university quarter. The 23, 110sqm building is designed by Boston based architectural firm ZNA.   “这...

/show-16773.html 2011-11-04

16. 美观和生态相融-加州交通局总部办公楼

...Marysville)的加州交通局(California Department of Transportation District)三座总部大楼设计赢得了设计与建造竞赛大奖。其实无论是国家给予的仅有的6570万美金预算,还是将700多人塞进20.8万平方英尺的空间,对于设计师来说都是非常具...

/show-16610.html 2011-11-03

17. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:A Cradle to Cradle Inspired

...orhood connectivity. Integrated within the urban plan are highly effective district waste, energy and water system that eliminate wastefulness throughout the complex.     Planning goals and objectives Goals and objectives address each prong of sustainability: • Social&mdas...

/show-9031.html 2011-05-16

18. 阿里巴巴深圳大厦建筑设计概念方案公开竞赛

...ect is located in the Land N-06\N-07 of the CBD of Shenzhen Nanshan Houhai District. Its north side is Deng Liang Road; south is a planning road. There is Central River and open space between its west and the central road, while between the east and boulevard is the inner bay park and F1 Rowing Ve...

/show-11323.html 2011-06-02

19. “容易接受的奢侈品”室内设计概念竞赛开赛

... of the first 10 selected projects will be invited to visit the production district The commiion will select 50 desig for dilay at a ecial competition exhibition Competition activities will include realization of several pre-competition prototypes. Should the competition conclude without a ran...

/show-16920.html 2011-11-07

20. 陶瓷应用于建筑的典范 西班牙小学

...ot for the primary playground.    The school is in the Alameda district of Cornellá de Llobregat and is bounded on the north by a football pitch, on the east by Silici Street, by a green area on the south and by the Ronda de Dalt de Barcelona on the west.    All of...

/show-11400.html 2011-06-16