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151. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 52 寸液晶显示屏电视

...iving is the art of leaving out the right things,” was one of the mottos of French fashion designer Coco Chanel. Her creations were marked by a highly simplistic and expensive elegance that showcased clarity of lines and an exclusive choice of only the highest-quality materials. The self-suffi...

/show-10394.html 2011-05-16

152. 物流贸易英语:国际贸易单证英语词汇

...文 quality data message   查询 query   查询回复 response to query   订购单 purchase order   制造说明 manufacturing instructions   领料单 stores requisition   产品售价单 invoicing data sheet   包装说明 packing instruction   内部运...

/show-8313.html 2011-03-18

153. 世界建筑节文化奖南非马篷古布韦演出中心

...ngubwe National Park celebrates the site of an ancient civilization linked to the Great Zimbabwe trading culture in the context of a natural setting that re-establishes the indigenous fauna and flora of this region. The Interpretation Centre is set on the side of a mesa, formed from the dramatic geo...

/show-579.html 2010-03-17

154. 第五届中国(深圳)国际室内设计文化节


/show-18065.html 2011-11-16

155. 外贸过程中必备的集装箱知识

...的交接方式有以下几种:     1. 门到门 (door to door): 由托运人负责装载的集装箱,在其货仓或厂库交承运人验收后,负责全程运输,直到收货人的货仓或工厂仓库交箱为止。这种全程连线运输,称为“门到门”...

/show-1836.html 2010-04-22

156. 蓝宝石画廊

...景。 业主的收藏作品包括艺术家Gregory Crewdson,Uta Barth,Tomoroy Dodge和影像艺术家Jennifer Steinkamp,他们表示有兴趣在一个新的建筑,将不仅仅是一个扩大的艺术收藏品集装箱。新建筑将有多种意义;和艺术品相配的空间,必须有开...

/show-631.html 2010-03-24

157. 25位全球顶尖室内设计师访谈 直击大师手笔

...。   Study and absorb the good things that you see and then put them together in your own way. It has all been done before but, your way is the newest. ——Mario Buatta(研究、吸收你能看到的好设计,最终变成自己的。过去的都是旧的,只有你自己的才...

/show-11878.html 2011-08-15

158. 企业外贸业务用语大全

一:基本短语 Time to volume 及时大量生产     Time to money 及时大量交货     FOUR CONTROL YSTEM 四大管制系统     Engineering control system 工程管制系统     Quality control system...

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159. 石材行业国家标准编号十

... (Slate and stone products for discontinuous roofing and cladding - Part 2 : methods of test.) BS EN 772-4-1998 ...

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160. 石材业国家标准编号2

... (Slate and stone products for discontinuous roofing and cladding - Part 2 : methods of test.) BS EN 772-4-1998 ...

/show-9039.html 2011-03-29