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131. 德国红点设计大奖 时尚简约家居

...p; The design of the 6900 sofa model is oriented to the basic maxims of Art déco. These were characterised by a specific visual language rich in contrast, reflecting a high degree of quality awareness. Along the lines of this trend, the 6900 sofa model "plays" with proportions and material...

/show-1139.html 2011-05-16

132. 从大自然中汲取自由和灵感-对话美国Gehry Partners首席建筑师陈日荣

...国文化中心(现为巴黎电影文化中心)、德国的黑尔福德M-Art-a博物馆、美国密歇根Frederick R.Wiseman艺术博物馆&hellihelli这些西方著名建筑的设计有很大一部分理念出自一位黑头发、黄皮肤的华人之手,他就是美国Gehry Partners首席建筑...

/show-17620.html 2011-11-07

133. 盘点十大创意家居设计作品

...瓦台灯(灯具类) 名称:One Line 设计师:Ora-Ito 制造商:Artemide Group S.p.A 如一条固定在半空的缎带,这个朴素无华的台灯营造极限的美学,虽然灯臂和灯座简单如弯曲的线条,却丝毫不影响它的照明功能,低瓦的灯管使台灯不至...

/show-15722.html 2012-09-28

134. “40把椅子”国际设计师作品邀请展(四)

...;       EXIT国际艺术节,NOM Maison des Arts de Créteil,法国                 VIA国际艺术节,Manège Maubeuge,法国参展作品:大圣   设计师:吉冈德...

/show-14155.html 2011-08-31

135. 设计名企系列专访之黄志达——设计要执着

...ng. Deeply affected by his familial busine, he was familiar with furniture art and interior decoration in his childhood. At that time, he has already decided to dedicate himself to being a excellent designer. After graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University majoring in interior design, he chose...

/show-16461.html 2011-11-01

136. 全面接触妹岛和世:探索新的建筑语言

...21世纪当代艺术博物馆”(21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art);在纽约的粗犷,然而活泼的“新当代博物馆”和去为伦敦设计的雅致、蜿蜒的临时展出馆。妹岛和世开辟了一条广阔的道路。她的事务所的Alumni、包括纽约So-I...

/show-8967.html 2011-03-28

137. 迪拜酒店之帆船酒店 世界顶级奢华酒店

...迪拜消费的华人越来越多,也是一个重要原因。 Palace in Art 艺术殿堂 [page] Dubai City View 迪拜市景 Dreamlike Beach 梦幻海滩 Second to None 叹为观止

/show-10432.html 2011-06-14

138. 德国红点设计大奖 创意造型家居系列

...be used, that simply has to be cut and drilled accordingly, as connection parts simple steel pins suffice. 二、Tiziana Sofa honourable mention red dot award: product design 2009   Fine sewing art in form of artisan button tufting and invisible sewing underlines the extravagant style of...

/show-1043.html 2011-05-16

139. 2011年9月:一场极具魅力的盛宴

...ravees d’intérieur, CRAFT l’eace métiers d’art, now!design à vivre, MAISOamOBJET éditeurs, MAISOamOBJET mueacute;es, MEUBLE PARIS期待和您再次相聚。 观展信息,敬请咨询: 巴黎家居装饰博览会中国代表机构GLI CHIN...

/show-18963.html 2011-11-23

140. 中国元素在家装设计中的应用

...瓦台灯(灯具类) 名称:One Line 设计师:Ora-Ito 制造商:Artemide Group S.p.A 如一条固定在半空的缎带,这个朴素无华的台灯营造极限的美学,虽然灯臂和灯座简单如弯曲的线条,却丝毫不影响它的照明功能,低瓦的灯管使台灯不至...

/show-15721.html 2012-08-21