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111. 2010红点获奖作品 Juwel Novaplus Evolution Rotary Clothes Dryer

... conventional clothes lines, a rotary clothes dryer can be folded together and stored in a protection cover. The design of the Novaplus Evolution extends this time-proven principle of drying clothes by an exciting aspect of functionality: this rotary clothes dryer can open and deploy the lines &ldqu...

/show-10404.html 2011-05-16

112. 德国红点设计大奖 新颖别样生活用品

... of the best red dot award: product design 2009     Landscapes of functionality Form and function are very closely related to one another and every well-designed product interprets this relation in its own often highly individual approach. “Each product serves its funct...

/show-1227.html 2011-05-16

113. BMCE银行 优雅的建筑设计欣赏

...ctural Engineers: Buro Happold, Ateba Mechanical Engineers:Buro Happold Landscape Architect: Michel Desvigne Lighting Consultant: George Sexton Associates       [page] Gross Area: Rabat – 655m2 Casablanca – 370m2 Fes – 750m2   Internal Net Area: ...

/show-9338.html 2011-04-01

114. Mitchell and Stout Architects设计新西兰激流岛住宅

本案住宅是一座度假和周末休闲屋,坐落在奥克兰附近一个充满乡村味道的小岛上。这是一座“充满奇思妙想、但节省经费的”住宅,可以体验与城市不同的生活模式。 厨房—餐厅—起居空...

/show-18852.html 2011-11-23

115. 2010红点奖家居产品类 日本Orizuru椅子

...用,因为它的承重力可达到400公斤。 Floating – design and tradition Origami, the art of folding paper into sculpture figures and geometric objects has a long tradition, particularly in Japan, its country of origin. It required concentration, a lot of time and a high degree of cr...

/show-10481.html 2011-05-16

116. 外贸英语 关于合同的有关知识

...国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签了字。 A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract. 中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。 It was because of you that we landed the contract. 因为有了你,我们才签了...

/show-2959.html 2010-06-02

117. Peter and Paula Faea癌症诊疗中心

文:Lacus    设计:CO Architects    摄影:Robert Canfield    设计构想   首先,一种被称之为“循证设计”的观点被运用在Peter&Paula Fasseas癌症中心设计方案中,充分调研了病患、主治医师以及护...

/show-16637.html 2011-11-03

118. 知名酒店设计公司:HBA(Hirsch Bedner and Associates)

点击进入HBA酒店设计公司专题介绍   HBA(Hirsch Bedner and Associates)   美国最大酒店设计公司。1964年,Michael Bedner与好友Howard Hirsch携手创辨当时充满革命色彩的酒店室内设计服务,突破当时的审美观念和准则。在上个世纪的...

/show-11212.html 2012-12-27

119. 美国著名建筑设计师访谈 克雷格 哈特曼

...ing about building such a cathedral (Cathedral of Christ the Light/the Oakland Cathedral)? 问:对于一座宗教建筑,您在设计的时候最关注的具体部分是什么?在您考虑建造这样一座大教堂(基督之光大教堂,又名奥克兰大教堂)的时候,您的目标...

/show-10564.html 2011-04-27

120. 建筑大师伯纳德·屈米作品--竹语

...sing bamboo-a traditional Asian building material that is both inexpensive and environmentally sustainable-in unexpected and innovative ways. The apartment unit is therefore treated as a laboratory for testing this material. Literally everything in the unit is made of bamboo, including most floors, ...

/show-4798.html 2010-08-12