点击进入知名设计公司Munge Leung专题介绍 THE REPUBLIC OF YONGE & EGLNTON Munge Leung作品欣赏 [page] [page] [page] [page]
/show-11269.html 2011-06-07
点击进入知名设计公司Munge Leung专题介绍 THE RESIDENCES OF MAPLE LEAF SQUARE Munge Leung作品欣赏 [page] [page] [page] [page] [page] [page] [page]
/show-11274.html 2011-06-07
...品 苹果魔术鼠标 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 制造商 苹果公司,美国 An intelligent pet They looked like the famous agile rodent. The first computer “mice” featured a rather squarish design and connected to the computer via a cable. Thro...
/show-10382.html 2011-05-16
... a temporary pavilion designed to house various events at the main patio of the exemplary building designed in 1953 by the artist Matthias Goeritz. This year MMX Studio has won the first prize for the 2011 ECO Pavilion. The design does not seek to create a stand-alone piece at the mai...
/show-9345.html 2011-04-03
...ripod 2 鹰眼三角架2 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 制造商 佛山市南海Chevan光学电子有限公司,中国 内部设计 查尔斯许,丹尼尔高,中国 With an eagle’s eye “To photograph is to hold one’s breath, when all facul...
/show-10398.html 2011-05-16
...作品,尽在德国红点奖获奖作品大盘点! 一、Sputnik Coffee and Side Tables red dot red dot award: product design 2009 Sputnik’s concept is a functional and aesthetic combination of coffee and side tables in three different heights and diameters. All three tables...
/show-1038.html 2011-05-16
...ls are used with buffing to produce a more reflective gloss on the surface of stone. Waxes are also used with buffing to enhance the gloss of polished stone. Honed: To grind a surface with a high grit material to a uniform specification without producing a reflective surface. Sawn: i.e. unpolished...
/show-2089.html 2010-05-06
...chitect H??kon Vigsnaes, “is important for an architect: the history of a place, of an institution, of a building.” Vigsnaes, principal at the Oslo-based Jarmund/Vigsnaes, is speaking of his firm's renovation of and additions to the Oslo International School, a private comprehensive scho...
/show-16740.html 2011-11-04
...p; 亲近自然,原生态设计! The lively, grained surface of this floor tile stages the trend topic of nature. It displays a structure that seems to have grown from layers. In addition, it is patinated by an innovative refinement method and a subtle change of colours, textures, and ...
/show-1261.html 2011-05-16
...df厨房、喷有黑漆的外围木质面板。 建筑设计:In Praise of Shadows Arkitektur, Katarina Lundeberg 景观设计:Alf Orvesten
/show-18690.html 2011-11-23