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91. 德国红点设计大奖 简约室内装修系列

...fore changes. The following colours are offered: Event Clear white, black, green, aubergine, brown and sand. Inserts are available in glossy pure white, glossy cream white, anthracite and aluminium. The whole assortment of Gira Event Clear is available featuring more than 230 functions for modern el...

/show-1175.html 2011-05-16

92. 拉马特甘幼儿园 ramat gan kindergarten

...nimals. The cupboard doors in the second room are imprinted with motifs of green sabra hedges with red fruits—a plant widespread in the outdoor agricultural farm, thereby connecting interior and exterior.   The cupboards are laminated with Formica —relatively inexpensive and dur...

/show-11339.html 2011-06-02

93. 建筑大师零距离 80岁的弗兰克·盖里(上)

...这儿的伟大建筑师——包括亨利·格林(Henry Greene)、理查德·诺伊特拉(Richard Neutra)、鲁道夫·辛德勒(Rudolf Schindler)和其他的建筑师。如果说这些建筑师与别的地方的先锋风格有很强的联系,将世界带给...

/show-811.html 2010-03-23

94. 深圳宝安碧海片区商业岛、商务岛城市设计国际咨询公告

...f the block, space styles, land using, comprehensive traffic organization, green space & landscape, public open space, underground space and strategies used to achieve these objectives. 重要节点地块控制层面 确定重要节点的设计数量及范围,原则上节点总数应不小于《...

/show-5037.html 2011-01-14