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91. 德国红点设计大奖 创意无处不在的作品展

... for functionally mature details is a special aspect: fine-stitched piping and drawing-in characterise the volumes, hundreds of pocket spring cores support cultivated seating. Foster 510 can be placed in lobbies, museums, galleries or shops. The upholstered bench is available with or without backres...

/show-1028.html 2011-05-16

92. 德国红点设计大奖 简洁实用风格家居

...calm. The hinges, made of stainless steel, are thoroughly incorporated by hand.  二、NICEtable08 Table honourable mention red dot award: product design 2009   The NICEtable08 combines purist design with high-quality application of elegant materials. The frame is made of stainless s...

/show-1041.html 2011-05-16

93. 墨西哥:musk and moss创意店

      “musk and moss”是jakob gomez设计的聚焦于形象、风格与个人护理的一个设计,专为男式服务。坐落在墨西哥圣佩德罗加尔萨加西亚,该设计的基地设在一个原始的洞穴中。内部装饰重现了经典的男士...

/show-22160.html 2014-07-21

94. 5月北京设计师沙龙——发现光的价值

...,国际知名遮阳节能专家Ken Witherell将会进行Iovating Beauty and Performance的主题演讲,并与设计师们分享在建筑及室内设计中光线运用的心得。 同时,由亨特时尚窗饰及Interior Design共同主办的亨特时尚窗饰-Interior Design第二届全国...

/show-17142.html 2011-11-07

95. 2010红点获奖作品 丹麦Velux太阳隧道

...s a key role in many creation myths, in which the sun is often personified and represented as a God-like figure. In Chinese legends, for instance, we find the story of the sun god Shen Yi. When the earth was scorched by the heat of ten suns, he shot down nine with a bow and arrow to save the world. ...

/show-10454.html 2011-05-16

96. 2010红点获奖作品 日本Metaphys lucano梯子

... private households it too plays an important role, because many cupboards and shelves extend up high to the ceiling. Unlike in libraries, however, in private areas stepstools lead a rather shadowy existence: when not in use, they are usually stowed away somewhere in the cellar or a hidden corner in...

/show-10461.html 2011-05-16

97. 阿里巴巴深圳大厦建筑设计概念方案公开竞赛

...oject in Shenzhen Project Introduction: The project is located in the Land N-06\N-07 of the CBD of Shenzhen Nanshan Houhai District. Its north side is Deng Liang Road; south is a planning road. There is Central River and open space between its west and the central road, while between the east ...

/show-11323.html 2011-06-02

98. 西班牙最新名建筑 大都市阳伞 Metropol Parasol

... MAYER H. Architects Project Architect:  Jürgen Mayer H.,  Andre Santer,  Marta Ramírez Iglesias Project Team: Ana Alonso de la Varga, Jan-Christoph Stockebrand, Marcus Blum, Paul Angelier, Hans Schneider, Thorsten Blatter, Wilko Hoffmann, Claudia Marcinowski, Sebastia...

/show-9321.html 2011-04-03

99. 新加坡Khai House

...a corner plot, is of two interlocking forms at right angles to each other, and within this, activity spaces are separated from service spaces by levels – bedrooms on the upper level, activity areas on ground level and servants’ quarters in the basement. The approach to spatial definit...

/show-4837.html 2010-08-16

100. 2010红点获奖作品 格斗士2, 工作照明灯

...Thanks to good illumination, people working night shifts stay awake longer and work more effectively. British researchers have found out that bright light counteracts fatigue by blocking the production of melatonin in the body, a messenger compound that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. People working...

/show-10452.html 2011-05-16