...加之势。(1)按溶剂类型分类 A、水基型防护剂:完全以水为稀释剂的防护剂叫水基型防护剂。这种防护剂一般气味少,毒性低,不燃烧,安全性能高。 B、溶剂型防护剂:以除...
/show-7415.html 2011-03-08
On June 14, 2010, the Tree Museum situated on 75,000 square meters of breathtaking land near Upper Lake Zurich in Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland, will officially open its gates.The Tree Museum will exhibit individual trees from the collection of Enzo Enea, the Swiss l...
/show-11567.html 2011-07-15
/show-18950.html 2011-11-23
...外贸人员接待客户必备58句英语。 1.Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics? 对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗?戴卫斯吗? 2.Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Takeshita. 是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生...
/show-3766.html 2010-06-28
点击进入“2010美国景观设计师协会(ASLA)专业奖”专题 To meet our client’s goal of creating the first full service Cradle to Cradle development in the Netherlands, WM+P is designing an inspirational environment that stimulates the creativity and effectivenes...
/show-9031.html 2011-05-16
...刻产品/。 按产品/表面加工光泽度分为四类: a)亚光品(Yg):饰面光滑细腻,能使光线产生漫反射现象的产品/; b)镜面品(jm):饰面光泽; c)粗面品(cm):饰面暗淡、无光泽; d)麻面品(mm):符合合同要求或定货图样. ...
/show-2326.html 2010-05-13
/show-1123.html 2010-04-01
...各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性。 GB 191—90 包装储运图示标志 GB/T 1182——1996 形状和位置公差 通则、定义、符号和图样表示法 GB/T 9966.1——88 天然饰面石材试验方法 干燥、水饱和、冻融...
/show-3158.html 2010-06-18
...检验等工作。 function PostComment() { var username = $G("MainContainer_Control_InfoCenterComment1_tbxUserName").value.trim(); var email = $G("MainContainer_Control_InfoCenterComment1_txt_Email").value.trim(); var country = $G("MainContainer_Control...
/show-1099.html 2010-04-01
International Consultation Invitation on Urban Design of The Coastal Zone of the Central District in Baoan.Shenzhen 1.项目背景 1.Background 宝安中心区包括滨海片区和碧海片区,与南山前海、后海共同组成深圳城市双中心之一——前海中心。本...
/show-19542.html 2012-03-08