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1. White Theory 家具设计作品


/show-15339.html 2011-09-08

2. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-H

...比丝卡丝红 Habiscuss [ H ] 海珊瑚 Hassan Green [ H ] 海洋白 White Marine [ H ] 海洋白砂石 Sea White [ H ] 海洋绿 Ocean Green 或 OceanGreen(India) 或 Verde Marina [ H ] 汉白玉 White Marble [ H ] 杭灰 Hang Grey [ H ] 蚝珠黑 Oyster Pearl [ H ] 河水绿 Rive...

/show-8492.html 2011-03-23

3. 白色大理石储物盒 非凡创意的设计

...ght and handling. The result is this padlock box. Sculptural monolith in white marble becoming a completely different product when entering in interplay with its lever key.  MORE:   VIDEO Atelier Peekaboo  

/show-11494.html 2011-07-11

4. 施旭东作品 创意亚洲音乐吧--海魅

...ke a pearl spreads its magic in spaces of falseness and truth or black and white. [page]   [page]         [page]  

/show-19560.html 2012-03-22

5. 石材品种中日文对照

... 大花白 G439 トロピカルホワイト ロイヤルホワイト Royal White 西班牙米黄   マーフィル     伊朗白宫米黄   マーリンベージュー     法国青(蓝)   ランへリン     西班牙粉红麻   ボテチーノ ボテチィノクラ...

/show-8362.html 2011-03-23

6. 中英石材互译

...色 Black 蓝色 Blue 棕色 Brown 灰色 Gray 红色 Red 白色 White 黄色 Yellow 金色 Golden 3.产品种类 荒料 Block 板材 Slab 工程板 Cut-to-size 风水球 Fortune (Fountain/Fengshui) Ball 石线 Stone Border (line) 罗马柱 Column 圆柱 Pillar 弧形板 ...

/show-8359.html 2011-03-28

7. 石材术语中英文对照

... Black 蓝色 Green 棕色 Brown 灰色 Gray 红色 Red 白色 White 黄色 Yellow 金色 Golden 3.产品种类 荒料 Block 板材 Slab 工程板 Cut-to-size 风水球 Fortune (Fountain/Fengshui) Ball 石线 Stone Border (line) 罗马柱 Colum 圆柱 Pillar 弧形板 Ar...

/show-8317.html 2011-03-18

8. 堪称艺术品的室内设计 第五大道公寓

...el floats in a halo of light above the vestibule, not touching any of the white walls. As if levitated, the reflective metal sheet gives the entry unfathomable height and lucidity. Just ahead, a freestanding wall pulls away from the corners, letting space flow around it, while underfoot, hand-tro...

/show-11502.html 2011-07-11

9. “龙卷风”服装专卖店设计 42 Architects

... one thematic whole. Around the structure sits a second layer of smaller white structures; benches and tables that hold shoes, accessories and makeup displays, as well as acting as seats for visitors. Twister continues themes currently being in our studio. We take a great interest in the rela...

/show-11497.html 2011-07-11

10. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

...-directional colored lights at night. The entrance is distinguished by a white, wave-like canopy, and opens out onto the Mary and Howard Frank Plaza and the two-and-a-half acre Miami Beach SoundScape. A 650-square-foot LED light field is positioned at the top of the transparent wall, to brand ...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09