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1. [双语]趣闻:"昆虫旅馆"亮相伦敦

...o bring helpful iects into London parks and just won the city of Londo#39 &quoteyond the Hive" competition. Bug Hotel, which is designed to bring helpful iects into London parks and just won the city of Londo#39 &quoteyond the Hive" competition. 该设计旨在为伦敦动物园引入益...

/show-17700.html 2011-11-07

2. 伦佐.皮亚诺公布"小碎片大厦"设计方案

  伦佐.皮亚诺设计的"玻璃碎片大厦"(Shard of Gla)高310米,是由Sellar地产集团开发的。近日,该集团公布了仍由皮亚诺设计的另外一座办公楼的方案,有17层,官方名称为"The Place",但人们戏称之为"小碎片大厦"(Baby Shard...

/show-19136.html 2011-11-23

3. 荷兰记者提议建造2000多米的"飞来峰"

  荷兰记者Thijs Zoeveld原先是一名职业自行车赛手。他一直抱怨荷兰没有像样的登山运动训练设施,便想出了花费3000亿欧元建造一座人造山峰的概念。这座山峰将比斯诺登峰(owdon,海拔1085米)高一倍,取名为"Die Berg Komt...

/show-19336.html 2011-11-23

4. Orange事务所设计贝鲁特50米高的"立方体"公寓楼

  由荷兰建筑公司JSA、CIMKA以及HofmanDujardin合伙成立的Orange事务所在贝鲁特东区Sin el Fil的941号地块上设计了一座豪华公寓楼。这项工程是由黎巴嫩开发公司Masharii授权的。   50米高的"立方体"公寓楼(t...

/show-19035.html 2011-11-23

5. "设计即人"打造"分布式空间"--斐雪派克引领奢侈家电

  厨房不再是一个普通的房间,而是整个家的灵魂所在。这里可以让您的心灵得到宁静与放松,更能让您与家人、朋友一同分享喜悦,释放激情,享受美食,品味生活点滴,实现人生中极简又极美的快乐。   近日,众多...

/show-18758.html 2011-11-23

6. 2010红点奖办公用品类 VZ-9plus³ Desktop Visualizer

... and convince others, first be convinced and moved themselves.” This quote by motivation and communication trainer Dale Carnegie is proof of an expressedly holistical approach in thinking. Based on clearly defined strategies he aims to help almost any person to successfully present themselves ...

/show-10484.html 2011-05-16

7. 外贸英语 报盘与还盘必须要会的英语

...sp;   You'll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere.     你会发现我们的报价比别处要便宜。     This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.    &nbs...

/show-2961.html 2010-06-02