建筑师:Atelier Cosmas Gozali (Arya Cipta Graha) 地点:桑特,北雅加达,印度尼西亚 设计团队:Raymond Djohan, Novan Prayoga, Andika Purnama, Setya Kurniawan, Dwi Utomo Sahid, Yogi Diwangkoro, Dedy Erwayah, Lufiayah 图...
/show-19019.html 2011-11-23
...:Cheryl 编辑:南雪倩 摄影:Marcus Meyer, Bremen 设计:Atelier Brückner The new BMW Museum had to be integrated into the existing structural fabric of the group headquarters in Munich. Here, trend-setting architecture already had had a presence in 1973 wit...
/show-16768.html 2011-11-04
'abiko住宅' fuse-atelier,日本,千叶 东京建筑事务所fuse-atelier(shigeru fuse)完成了“ abiko住宅”,这是一座位于日本千叶县安孙子市的三层私人别墅。这座住宅是为一对热衷于家具收藏的夫妇所设计...
/show-19234.html 2011-11-23
...nd Industry 文;Cheryl 编辑:南雪倩 设计: Atelier Brückner 摄影:Volker Mai On the site of the Augsburg Worsted Spinning Mill, the State Museum of Textile and Industry presents the history of the Bavarian textile industry. An exhibition are...
/show-16765.html 2011-11-04
...musweg的住房地块将成为城市复兴工程的首要步骤。 由Atelier Kempe Till事务所设计的这个项目建造了81套宽大的公寓和底层的公寓套房以及27座带露台的排屋,耗资1400万欧元,并于今年7月开始施工。这些社会住房以一个可停放115...
/show-17647.html 2011-11-07
...ier Museum Friedrichshafen 文:Cheryl 编辑:南雪倩 设计: Atelier Brückner 摄影:Johannes Seyerlein “Where great pioneers meet!” According to this motto, the new Dornier Museum takes the visitors on a journey to the world of aerospace. About 40...
/show-16764.html 2011-11-04
...h;SGCC State Grid Pavilion 文:Cheryl 编辑:南雪倩 设计:Atelier Brückner The Magic Box with it's innovative and challenging character was born out of the desire of the client and the designer to create a spectacular journey of power in an ephemere an...
/show-16778.html 2011-11-04
...尼尔(eric laignel) A New York boutique by David Mann, Atelier’s got the brawn and the brains 说到它的特点,也许可以说它有着拱形的橱窗,又或许可以说它没有任何多余的灯光照明和色彩装饰,抑或它那引人注目的天花板高...
/show-16615.html 2011-11-03
建筑设计:atelier V 建筑地点:圣莫尼卡,加利福利亚州,美国 结构工程师:Berkoz and Aociates , Mr. Ertunga Berkoz, Mr. Naci Berkoz 水暖电工程师:Shamim Engineering, Inc., Mr. Mark Shamim, Mr. Kevin Shamim 土木工程师:Warren Goeke and Aociates, Mr. ...
/show-17228.html 2011-11-07
...Particle Accelerator 文:Cheryl 编辑:南雪倩 设计: Atelier Brückner 摄影; Michael Jungblut From 1st July, the Universe of Particles exhibition will provide a look into the scientific work of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) not far ...
/show-16763.html 2011-11-04