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81. 2010红点获奖作品 液体磁性水平测量仪

...磁性水平测量仪 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 制造商:Hoffmann GmbH Qualitätswerkzeuge, Germany 设计:Böhler GmbH (Christoph Böhler), Germany For modern-day pyramids It has been hypothesised that the master builders of ancient Egypt may...

/show-10413.html 2011-05-16

82. 福建下石村桥上书屋 2010年Aga Khan 建筑奖大奖

...bsp;  [page] located at a remote village, Fujian Province in China, the project does not only provides a physical function - a school + a bridge, but also presents a spiritual centre. The main concept of the design is to enliven an old community (the village) and to sustain a traditional cult...

/show-10981.html 2011-05-16

83. 德国红点设计大奖 传统古朴与时尚简约的碰撞

... red dot red dot award: product design 2009   Central attribute of the stackable Lignum chair is its puristically delicate and refined appearance. It is made of solid beech that is either coated with natural substances or stained. It is available with or without armrests. The seat and back c...

/show-1034.html 2011-05-16

84. 德国红点设计大奖 给您预料之外的创意惊喜

...m parts to a complete cupboard in an easy and self-explanatory way. Due to the minimal material input and the loosely joined parts this cupboard is easy to recycle. It is available in walnut, wenge and maple veneer, or lacquered in white, black, grey, orange, red, blue and green.    二...

/show-1025.html 2011-05-16

85. 2010红点奖办公用品类 挪威Tandberg performance mic 20 麦克风

...品展”专题 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 制造商:Tandberg, Norway 设计:TANDBERG Design Team (Glenn Robert Grimsrud Aarrestad), Norway 挪威Tandberg performance mic 20 麦克风 Tandberg performance mic 20是一款宽频嵌合式麦克风。它有...

/show-10483.html 2011-05-16

86. 德国红点设计大奖 创意无处不在的作品展

...0 Upholstered Bench red dot red dot award: product design 2009   The Foster 510 upholstered bench unites a minimalist stylistic language with a high degree of comfort. Its reduced form is a reminiscence of the classic English club armchair. Delicate stability characterises the minimalism o...

/show-1028.html 2011-05-16

87. 参加广交会 您的英语准备好了吗

...介绍一下参加广交会最常用的一些英语知识。 What about the price? 对价格有何看法? What do you think of the payment terms? 对支付条件有何看法? How do you feel like the quality of our products? 你觉得我们产品的质量怎么样? What ab...

/show-1956.html 2010-04-27

88. 2010红点获奖作品 Vanguard Alta Pro Tripod 2 鹰眼三角架2

...od 2 鹰眼三角架2 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 制造商 佛山市南海Chevan光学电子有限公司,中国 内部设计 查尔斯许,丹尼尔高,中国 With an eagle’s eye “To photograph is to hold one’s breath, when all facultie...

/show-10398.html 2011-05-16

89. 梅里达青年工场 艺术与生活的完美结合

... broadband Internet, Modding, Tuning, Modeling, Graffiti, Urban Artists, Theatre Street, Tightrope Walkers, Circus activities, Video Art, Electronic Music, Acrobatics, Performing Arts, Manga, Parkour, Audiovisual Arts, Contemporary Dance, Dance Funk and Hip Hop, Dance Hall and MACC (contempora...

/show-11561.html 2011-07-15


点击进入知名设计公司Munge Leung专题介绍 与其姊妹酒店洛杉矶JW万豪酒店和丽思卡尔顿酒店公寓共同坐落于层高54层的L.A. LIVE内,共有123间设施齐全的客房,包括14间套房。3000平方英尺的丽思卡尔顿套房是酒店内最大的套房,眺...

/show-11272.html 2011-06-07