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81. 建筑大师汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)

... T. Alexander Jr. Science Center School in Los Angeles. Diamond Ranch High School in Pomona, Calif., whose principal architect was Thom Mayne of the Santa Monica firm Morphosis. Diamond Ranch High School has two rows of fragmented buildings set on either side of a long central sidewalk "cany...

/show-4748.html 2010-08-11

82. 行业标准 石材测试标准一览表

....6-1997 5 香烟燃烧 cigarette burn test ANSI Z124.6-1997 8 耐高温性 high temperature resistance test NEMA LD-3-1995 3 色牢度和耐老化性 colorfastness and aging test ANSI/IPCA SS-1-2001 6 耐化学腐蚀 chemical resistance test ANSI Z124.6-1997 9 耐水性water resistance ANSI Z124.6-...

/show-4554.html 2010-12-30

83. 德国红点设计大奖2009年创意家居系列一

...sign team, which is known for many impressive designs, managed to create a highly contemporary, distinctive and exciting interpretation of a lounge chair that corresponds to the zeitgeist. MYchair is sweeping and expressive, it aims to be “quirky” and provocative in shape – like a ...

/show-998.html 2011-05-16

84. 德国红点设计大奖 简约舒适风格家居

...ts protective paring. The product range comprises one armchair with low or high backrest, a two- and a three-seater as well as a stool. It wants to follow the revolutionary style initiated by Pierre Paulin at the end of the 1950s. The furnishing of Georges Pompidou’s private rooms in the &Eacu...

/show-1047.html 2011-05-16

85. 设计名企系列专访之黄志达——设计要执着

...company in HongKong to offer the profeional design service for the various high end clients. Very soon , his unique idea and exquisite design aroach was widely popular with public. With the continuous expanding busine, the branch office in Shenzhen was set up in 1998. Amongst the reputed works of R...

/show-16461.html 2011-11-01

86. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:A Cradle to Cradle Inspired

... being to neighborhood connectivity. Integrated within the urban plan are highly effective district waste, energy and water system that eliminate wastefulness throughout the complex.     Planning goals and objectives Goals and objectives address each prong of sustainability: •...

/show-9031.html 2011-05-16

87. 建筑大师理查德·迈耶(Richard Meier)介绍及作品

...p;   1983 美国佐治亚州亚特兰大高级美术馆(High Museum Atlanta,GA) 亚特兰大高级美术馆,运用了古根海姆一样的坡道的展览流线 [page]   1986 纽约威彻斯特郡住宅(Westchester House NY) [page]   &nbs...

/show-4775.html 2010-08-12

88. 艺术性仓库17C 西班牙建筑欣赏

...y tradition with substance that, by means of a non-restrictive exegesis, highlights the requirement of motion and novelty, action and processualism, functional capacity and duration. This is not alien to an assessment criterium but it enriches it. It is continuity, discontinuity and the proces...

/show-11402.html 2011-06-16

89. 重新解读:时代的标志 2011北京设计师沙龙活动

...also explored the root of color trends and design trends. The eech is sang high praised for by the designers. In the salon, as the first green carpet manufacturer in China, Tuntex Group also made a eech on Green. The selection of the Eco-Friendly Material, energy recycling in the production...

/show-18950.html 2011-11-23

90. 日本建筑设计师伊东丰雄 集众所长风格独特

...建筑师筱原一男的“高压线下的住房”(House Under High-Voltage Lines)。但伊东丰雄的建筑更栩栩如生,反映了它在忙乱的劳动阶级场所的活力。   从直接通过这个剧院前面的一条高架铁路看过去,这个剧院的不规则的、...

/show-1191.html 2010-05-14