...ere co-curated with Jimena Acosta. Godoy also teaches industrial design at Centro de Diseño, Cine y Televisión (Mexico), and has taught design at UNAM’s Centre for Industrial Design Research (Mexico), the Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico), ITESM (Mexico) and at the Pratt Instit...
/show-11306.html 2011-05-30
...e arrangement results in what appears to be a small, private communication centre. In everyday life, this lively use produces a captivating contrast to the rather puristic appearance of the armchair, which combines interesting contradictions: the large, curved form of the backrest and the opulent vo...
/show-1050.html 2011-05-16
...ellido circa 1907, that now intends to become a new avant-garde cultural centre where different institutions have assumed the management and refurbishment of some warehouses. ARCO Foundation, Ruipérez Foundation, the Teatro Español, the Designers Society, COAM Foundation and Madr...
/show-11402.html 2011-06-16
...sp; Museum) 法国蓬皮杜中心(Centre Pompidou) 1977年,皮亚诺与他的英国搭档理查德·罗格斯以乔治·蓬皮杜中心震惊了整个建筑界,这座高科技戏仿品矗立于巴黎18世纪时的市中心。...
/show-4749.html 2010-08-11