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61. 艺术性仓库17C 西班牙建筑欣赏

...rsquo;s collaborator Diego Castellanos. (interior architect) Site Supervisor and Quantity Surveyor: Jose H. Largo Díaz. Javier Muñoz. Period for completion: Five months Work budget: 700,000 €. Furnishing budget: Not contracted except locksmith’s work designed by th...

/show-11402.html 2011-06-16

62. 德国红点设计大奖 创意实用办公用品

...model a user chooses for this daily relationship tells a lot about that person’s individual sense of style, yet ergonomics also play a role, as much as trends in form and colour schemes. The AC 4 office swivel chair – which was created by Antonio Citterio, a designer who is known above a...

/show-1239.html 2011-05-16

63. 机械养护:石材锯切冷却润滑剂的选择和使用


/show-10806.html 2012-09-05

64. 广岛系列家具欣赏 超越Y椅子的设计

...a Photography: Yoneo Kawabe    [page]  "What you get is something akin to the firmness, the relative resilience, of Sanuki udon”. It was these words uttered by Naoto Fukasawa in conversation that inspired me. He explained in very easy terms that it wasn’t 100% adhere...

/show-11495.html 2011-07-11

65. 星级酒店设计专家朱平侃酒店设计

...尺现场测量的那肯定是来“学习借鉴”的同行......SO,投资的取舍其实很简单,文化的提炼其实也不难,把握的度就看朋友们的功力了,但是一定要站在业主口袋里那点钱的角度去为他着想呀。 动线的问题,这么一个空间...

/show-16490.html 2011-11-01

66. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:A Cradle to Cradle Inspired

...larger community. Each building’s size and massing is optimized for solar orientation so that these exterior green spaces and the building interiors are flooded with daylight. A model of holistic, closed-loop design, Park 20|20 will function as a dynamic environmental system that enhances t...

/show-9031.html 2011-05-16

67. 石材品种之金刚石

...NO3作用,只在Na2CO3、NaNO3、KNO3的熔融体中,或与K2Cr2O7和H2SO4的混合物一起煮沸时,表面会稍有氧化;在O、CO、CO2、H、Cl、H2O、CH4的高温气体中腐蚀。     金刚石还具有非磁性、不良导电性、亲油疏水性和摩擦生电性等...

/show-11165.html 2011-05-20

68. 建筑创作原点与过程/MASTERS at WORK

...is hard to pinpoint what helps us understand a building; is it based on personal experience of the space? On the quality of photographs presented? Perhaps one way to understand such a complicated process is to begin at the roots. Masters At Work thus tries to fill the gap between the question and th...

/show-15589.html 2011-09-19