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51. 德国红点设计大奖 简约室内装修系列

...directed towards any desired direction. With their minimalist design and a sophisticated combination of stainless steel grades, optionally chromed or brushed, the A5001/A5002 are a real asset of their product category: they add high aesthetic and stylistic value to a usually unalluring part of the i...

/show-1175.html 2011-05-16

52. 德国红点设计大奖2009年创意家居系列一

...;点击进入“2010红点奖作品展”专题 一、Confluences Sofa red dot: best of the best red dot award: product design 2009 Revolutionary puzzle : 创新无止境,创意永无穷,“变”乃万物进化之根本,基于此理念,设计者Philippe Nigro创...

/show-998.html 2011-05-16

53. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:(TRID)总体规划

...)专业奖”专题 “This is a valuable "teaching" project. Resourceful, innovative, and realistic. A rigorous analysis to reach complex solutions. There was lot of information and it was filtered to make it comprehensible. Resourceful, creative, and  implementable. Very intellig...

/show-9033.html 2011-05-16

54. 福建下石村桥上书屋 2010年Aga Khan 建筑奖大奖

...ct does not only provides a physical function - a school + a bridge, but also presents a spiritual centre. The main concept of the design is to enliven an old community (the village) and to sustain a traditional culture (the castles and lifestyle) through a contemporary language which does not compe...

/show-10981.html 2011-05-16

55. 德国红点设计大奖 精致创意厨房装饰

...and aesthetics. The horizontal line management of the corpus elements is also reflected in the supporting rear wall element. All elements attached to the wall virtually seem to float. In this way, a design conception free of restrictive concepts comes into existence. The conventional boundaries betw...

/show-1445.html 2011-05-16

56. 美国著名建筑设计师访谈 克雷格 哈特曼

...绍】 克雷格 哈特曼是美国著名建筑设计师,目前为美国SOM建筑设计事务所的合伙人。他的设计关注当前的时代环境及城市和自然环境的可持续发展。 作品包括美国驻华新使馆、哈佛大学西北科学中心、旧金山国际机场、基督...

/show-10564.html 2011-04-27

57. 废弃物的华丽再利用 糖纸包装椅子

...ertified wood and a vegetable based, biodegradable finish. The structure also partly disassembles by means of stainless steel hardware, reducing the shipping size of the chair in half, and consequently transportation and storage environmental impacts. The second component is a cover that slips on t...

/show-11306.html 2011-05-30

58. 石材保养秘笈-石材行业挚友独家传授

...原因: A.      空气污染,大气中CO2、SO2含量增高,对石材进行腐蚀,形成新的物质污染石材。 B.      干湿变化,潮湿环境是石材病变的温床。 C.      石材遇到含有可溶性...

/show-19600.html 2012-05-29

59. 全面接触妹岛和世:探索新的建筑语言

...世开辟了一条广阔的道路。她的事务所的Alumni、包括纽约So-Il建筑事务所的弗罗里安-爱登伯格(Florian Idenburg)和东京的石上纯也(Junya Ishigami),都是下一代建筑师中的杰出成员。 对空间及其对人的影响的很强的识别力 在...

/show-8967.html 2011-03-28

60. 详解石材表面污染源的分类及发生原因

...不实的地方,氢氧化钙再与空气中的二氧化碳或酸鱼中的SO2硫酸化合物反应,形成碳酸钙或硫酸钙,当水分蒸发时。碳酸钙或硫酸钙就结晶析出形成白华。   白华,根据水泥中碱性物质被溶解的水分来源。可区分为一次白华...

/show-3461.html 2011-05-18