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41. 法院能否出具禁令扣押已议付单据

...的禁付令(INJUNCTION),意大利法院的扣押令(CONSERVATIVE ARREST ORDER),还是我国法院的冻结令,都是法院阻止银行付款的强制性命令。但实务中,却极为少见法院出具针对已议付单据的禁令。本案中,比利时法院不考虑信用证业务的特殊性,无...

/show-4020.html 2010-08-17

42. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:Isla Palenque

...ct's architectural design. The design team drew upon these observations in order to develop a series of master plan conclusions related to coastal access, transportation, development, energy, open space and conservation. The coastal assessment identified two access points to the island. The deeper, ...

/show-9037.html 2011-05-16

43. 外贸英语 报盘与还盘必须要会的英语

...用。     如:Who will pay the freight on this order? 谁支付这批定货的运费?     七、postage (n.)指邮费。     如:How much postage do I need to send this package?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?  &nbs...

/show-2961.html 2010-06-02

44. 外贸课堂 信用证知识五十六问

...空运单是不是NEGOTIATABLE DOCUMENT?它能不能做成空白抬头TO ORDER、        答:是,不能。 52、出口单证内容要求达到“四个一致”,是哪四个一致?        答:单证一致,单单...

/show-1832.html 2010-04-22

45. 建筑创作原点与过程/MASTERS at WORK

...in China have tended to call for large-scale international competitions in order to decide as to whom the task of designing the project should go to. In lieu with these competitions, many foreign firms have been invited to try their luck and nine times out of ten the project almost always goes to th...

/show-15589.html 2011-09-19

46. 深圳市宝安中心区滨海地带城市设计国际招标公告

...scheme results when the design units submit the bidding scheme results, in order to vote for 3 shortlisted scheme.(evaluation results shall be publicly announced on a the website www.bajsjy.com). (3)定标阶段 (3)calibration period 三个入围的投标方案的设计机构按照设计...

/show-19542.html 2012-03-08

47. 现代建筑派大师:诺曼·福斯特(Norman Foster)

..., Spain1995;法国文化部的艺术与文字顾问团高级顾问;the Order of North Rhine-Westphalia;MIPIM 年度人物奖; “Building”1996 年度建筑师名人奖;因为巴塞罗那城市建设所作贡献获得 the'Premi a la millor tasca depromoció international deBarcelona'荣誉;19...

/show-15272.html 2011-09-08

48. 建筑风格:外国建筑史(概述)

...的推敲改进中稳定了一整套做法后即形成了不同的柱式(Order) 盛期的两大柱式,各有自己强烈的特色。 多立克(Doric)柱式。 起源于意大利、西西里一带,后在希腊各地庙宇中使用。特点是其比例较粗壮,开间较小,柱头...

/show-15250.html 2011-09-08