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31. 石材中英文对译——G篇

... Violet 格丽丝金麻 Grand Gris 花岗岩 Granite 长城绿 Great Wall Green 长城红 Greatwall Red 希腊大花绿 Greek Dark Green 热带幻彩绿 green candeias 翠香槟 Green Champagne 鸡尾绿麻 Green Chicl Tail Grain 彩云绿 Green Cloud 绿宝来 Green Cowry 绿...

/show-4949.html 2010-08-24

32. 石材行业国家标准编号五

... Cladding for external walls, ventilated at rear - Part 3: Natural stone; requirements, design DIN EN 12371-2002 ...

/show-669.html 2010-04-19

33. 石材行业国家标准编号六

... Cladding for external walls, ventilated at rear - Part 5: Manufactured stone; requirements, design DIN EN 12440-2001 ...

/show-668.html 2010-04-19

34. 石材业国家标准编号3

... Cladding for external walls, ventilated at rear - Part 5: Manufactured stone requirements, design DIN EN 12440-2001 ...

/show-9040.html 2011-03-29

35. “容易接受的奢侈品”室内设计概念竞赛开赛

...eference, to an entire series of complements, from armchairs to rugs, from wall units to occasional furniture and tables to picture frames, lam, etc. The salient project elements, beyond iovation, must be careful selection and attention to materials, finishings, color schemes, surfaces: all aects th...

/show-16920.html 2011-11-07

36. 2014普利兹克奖获得者坂茂 SHIGERU BAN 作品赏析

...叹于阿尔托建筑对区域环境和材料的重视。   Curtain Wall House, 1995, Tokyo, Japan Photo by Hiroyuki Hirai↓↓ 1985年,坂茂在没有任何工作经验的情况下赴东京开设了自己的公司。1985年至1986年,他组织并设计了埃米利奥·...

/show-22148.html 2014-07-15

37. 香榭丽舍大街上的展厅SHOWROOM

...m volumes made of gray lacquered MDF. These volumes are like pieces of the wall that have been extruded. The rhythm, created by the volumes, increases along the showroom before fading gradually to the office. The effect boosting the space. Another strong element structures and animates this place....

/show-11302.html 2011-05-30

38. 墓园中的咖啡馆 石材玻璃的经典工程

...o-like feeling after it was sanded. Pre-produced timber elements form the walls and the ceiling landscape, giving the interior spaces a homogenous, monolithic appearance. The large roof volume, which covers the pavilion and accommodates the ventilation pipes, has been shaped using a timber frame...

/show-11566.html 2011-07-15

39. Archdaily带您零距离接触日本建筑师藤本壮介

...筑家协会大奖,2008巴塞罗那世界建筑节一等奖,2009年《Wallpaper》奖。藤本壮介经常用“原始”形容他的作品。他把建筑实践看成是探索世界和人道的一种方式。 以下是采访正文: what is the best moment of the day? morning, ...

/show-9127.html 2011-03-30

40. 2010第六届中国(上海)国际外墙石材装饰材料系统展览会

...——外墙装饰材料展览会 The 6th International Outer Wall System and Construction Technology Expo ——External decorative materials exhibition 同期举办:“中国设计师—2010第四届上海年会” 2010年11月30日-12月2日 上...

/show-4587.html 2010-07-30