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31. 欧洲餐厅设计赏析 Holyfields餐厅

...业。  [page]      [page] Holyfields, a wholly new restaurant chain concept, commissioned our studio to develop a modular, scalable space system with a distinctive look and feel. With its innovative food concept, Holyfields sets new accents in system gastronomy for a ...

/show-11499.html 2012-08-21

32. 外贸英语 关于合同的有关知识

...同上签了字。 A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract. 中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。 It was because of you that we landed the contract. 因为有了你,我们才签了那份合同。 We offered a m...

/show-2959.html 2010-06-02

33. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-Y

...an Brown [ Y ] 印度象牙红 Indian Jup. Ivory [ Y ] 印度桃木石 New Mahgany [ Y ] 印度浅绿 Verde Affait (Light) [ Y ] 印度蓝 Orion Blue [ Y ] 印度红紫晶 Indian Mahogany [ Y ] 印度红砂石 Indian Sandstone (Dark) [ Y ] 印度红(中花) Bundela Red [ Y ] 印度...

/show-8518.html 2011-03-23

34. 世界建筑节新旧建筑奖TKTS售票亭 重建的杜菲神父广场

...以前瞻性的巧妙构思,成为这座城市新的地标建筑。 The new TKTS booth and the redevelopment of Father Duffy Square create a new center for Times Square, one of the worlds most popular and iconic destinations. ...

/show-586.html 2010-03-17

35. 2011米兰设计展览 日本Neodo的灯具欣赏

...mpractical and incomplete, but provides a breath of fresh air, opening up new possibilities.We decided to take the brief in a playful direction, and to suggest both breathing and the incomplete by displaying the metal pipes used by glassblowers, still attached to the glass objects that they were ...

/show-11503.html 2011-07-11

36. 德国红点设计大奖 精致创意厨房装饰

...ble are a kitchen roll holder, a foil roll holder, a fan-shaped holder for newspapers and magazines, as well as different boards for storing kitchen utensils. SieMatic Schubkastenausstattung – The product series for fitting drawers and pull-outs with suitable elements and components has been d...

/show-1445.html 2011-05-16

37. 德国红点设计大奖 简约舒适风格家居

...pholstered furniture, a playful and invitational attitude. The result is a new architecture of seating furniture setting distinctive, yet not dominant, accents in respective rooms and spaces.  三、Pumpkin Seating Furniture red dot red dot award: product design 2008   When designi...

/show-1047.html 2011-05-16

38. 2010红点获奖作品 日本Metaphys lucano梯子

...你可以根据家居的颜色而选择搭配。 The metaphysics of the new In famous libraries such as the British Library in London, stepstools are an important element of the inventory; if it was not for them visitors would not be able to reach up to the books on the uppermost shelves. In priva...

/show-10461.html 2011-05-16

39. 彰显世界级企业形象—万达时代中心建筑设计理念解析

...设计作品。 上海香港新世界大厦 Hong Kong New World Tower, Shanghai Xiamen Haicang New CBD, China 厦门海沧新城CBD中心,中国 阿联酋之门 UAE Gate, Abu Dubai, U.A.E.   万达时代中心建筑设...

/show-19274.html 2011-11-23

40. 新古典主义 豪华创意别墅设计

...uples”软垫是Wanders为B&B Italia设计的佳作,远端的“New Antiques”茶几来自Cappellini。 [page]   宽敞的餐厅由黑色和灰色两种冷色调搭配,给人一种沉稳、经典之美。来自Baccarat的Black Chandelier吊灯搭配这款来自Moooi的Carve...

/show-6631.html 2011-02-24