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31. 2010红点获奖作品 Vanguard Alta Pro Tripod 2 鹰眼三角架2

...ortant aspect in the design of this tripod is its stability: it is made of light carbon fibre and aluminium alloy, yet provides high stability. Inspiration for the robust and upmarket design vocabulary of this tripod was found in the beak of an eagle, among other things. Combining versatility and li...

/show-10398.html 2011-05-16

32. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 USB Clip Memory Stick

...r other documents, while the housing through its colour conveys a sense of lightness. A huge advantage of the USB Clip consists of the possibility of also using it in postal mail communication: clipped onto a document it can thus deliver additional information, without necessarily adding cost to the...

/show-10386.html 2011-05-16

33. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

...ciates Structural Engineering: MEP-FP Engineering: Theater Consultant: Lighting Designer: Sound & Projection Consultants: Landscape Architect: Civil Engineer: Gilsanz, Murray, Steficek, LLP Cosentini & Associates Theatre Projects Consultants LAM Partners, Inc. Acoustic Dimensions, Sonitu...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

34. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 阿达莫的XPS笔记本

...hile its high-value magnesium chassis and aluminium enclosure make it very light, weighing in at only 1.44 kg. The appearance of this notebook as both an aesthetic and user-friendly accessory is complemented by an easy-to-operate metal keyboard; the unique kickstand form factor provides a preferred ...

/show-10379.html 2011-05-16

35. 国外石材大板欣赏9

  Country of Origin: Brazil This granite has very strong movement and is usually characterized by a dark midnight-blue background with light-colored "veins." This material often varies between bundles; the overall color may be cooler or warmer, and sometimes garnet flecks are present.

/show-694.html 2010-03-22

36. 国外石材大板欣赏13

  Country of Origin: Brazil This beautiful stone has a light burgundy background highlighted with sliver mica giving the stone an exceptional appearance.

/show-698.html 2010-03-22

37. 石材中英文对译——K篇

...米黄 K-Beige Caramella 红紫彩(女儿红) Kinawa 山水绿 Kinawa Light 欧卡素红 Kokaso Red 鲸灰石(芬兰灰) Kuru Grey

/show-4945.html 2010-08-24

38. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-Q

常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-Q [ Q ] 秋棕麻 Autumn Brown [ Q ] 青紫水晶 Royal Mahogany [ Q ] 浅棕花 Light Brown [ Q ] 浅紫彩 Paradiso  

/show-8504.html 2011-03-23

39. LED花灯 营造温馨的家

...ased on the natural, organic shape of the flower. The center contains LED lights, which illuminate the flower and defines the edges, giving a peaceful and serene feeling. fLoW.P is meant to be displayed in the home. [page]   [page] MORE:Mike Chen

/show-11336.html 2011-06-02

40. Benjamin Hubert台灯设计

伦敦设计师Benjamin Hubert设计的名为heavy desk light的台灯,灯座与灯罩由混凝土制作在模型上浇灌而成,灯柄由橡木弯曲面成。中间在金属部件连接。中间红线起画龙点晴的作用,很亮,不至于产品太沉。

/show-14147.html 2011-08-31