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31. 超白洞石

...Wavy grain 使用领域:室内外高档装饰.构件 | Indoor and outdoor high-grade adornment. Component 岩石特征:微孔.亮白色.近平行纹大理石 | Micro hole. Bright white. Nearly parallel lines marble 超白洞石-洞石是因为石材的表面有许多孔洞而得名,其石材的...

/show-20676.html 2013-01-11

32. 红龙玉

...isorderly lines 使用领域:室内高档装饰.构件.洗手盆 | Indoor high-grade adornment. Component. Lavabo 岩石特征:Striped pulse silk. Golden brown marble | 彩条脉丝.金黄色大理石 红龙玉-天然大理石板材为高饰面材料,主要用于建筑装饰等级要求高的...

/show-20697.html 2013-01-11

33. 深啡网纹

...草样式:网纹 | Anilox 使用领域:室内高档装饰.构件 | Indoor high-grade adornment. Component

/show-20719.html 2013-01-11

34. 建筑间的缝隙中 完美存在的电梯设计

...short period of time. These neighbourhoods, as Galtzaraborda, are usually high density areas which often have left the valley floor and its settlements begin to climb up the mountains.   The buildings are placed following the logic of the topographic lines, covering different levels and ...

/show-11399.html 2011-06-16

35. 山琦实设计 城市的记忆与重生

...;   与蒙特利尔TOHO异曲同工的是,去年开放的纽约High Line,原是纽约的一段废弃铁路,位于曼哈顿西。High Line项目由居民组织发起,获政府支持,最终蜕变成功,成为艺术绿化休闲区。1999年由RobertHammond和Joshua David组成了F...

/show-16774.html 2011-11-04

36. 法国Naço设计事务所的红酒吧设计

...The center of the room is occupied with a U shaped bar. Its wooden counter highly contrats with the metallic aspect of the stools, the shelves, the kitchen utensils.        上海的西区本来就是一处安逸且情调十足的幽静土壤,无数的创意小铺,酒...

/show-16756.html 2011-11-04

37. 德国红点设计大奖2009年创意家居系列二

...latable it combines the design and quality of this traditional sofa with a high degree of comfort and mobility. It answers the growing interest in innovative and mobile (garden) furniture, in a world where indoors and outdoors increasingly melt together. By using a durable and weatherproof material ...

/show-1023.html 2011-05-16

38. 沙特阿拉伯 Buraidah 阿尔拉吉度高层

...udi Arabia. The Al Rajhi Development Group proposes to develop a mixed-use high-rise project, coisting of retail stores, offices and hotel, yielding a total of 127,605 gro square meters of built-up area, with underground parking garage on a 42,535-square-meter site in the City of Buraidah, Kingdom o...

/show-17447.html 2011-11-07

39. LiRo设计纽约布朗克斯高桥图书馆儿童阅览室

... LiRo事务所将纽约图书馆的分支布朗克斯(Bronx)高桥(High Bridge)图书馆改造成一个光线充足的儿童阅览室。 这将是一个社区地标建筑和聚集场所,屋顶抬升后让更多的自然光照倾斜到室内,构成一个光线充足...

/show-17623.html 2011-11-07

40. 大学城:顶级专业水准

...e and Asian Games Cricket Stadium have attracted great attention for their highly ecia- lized standards. A few days ago, Hong Kong' famous cyclist Wong Kam-po, who came for the test event of Asian Games, gave very high praise to Guangzhou Velodrome saying it' the best one in Asia and hoped Hon...

/show-17837.html 2011-11-16