该项目由ZNA建筑事务所于2007年设计,预计2011年竣工。位于沙特阿拉伯Buraidah市。阿尔拉吉度开发提出的一个新的综合高层项目,具有商铺,办公,酒店等功能,总建筑区域面积为127,605平方米,地下车库区域为42,535平方米,本高层大约超过200米高,将会成为这个发展中城市一个新的地标性建筑。 This project was located in Buraidah, Saudi Arabia. The Al Rajhi Development Group proposes to develop a mixed-use high-rise project, coisting of retail stores, offices and hotel, yielding a total of 127,605 gro square meters of built-up area, with underground parking garage on a 42,535-square-meter site in the City of Buraidah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The tower will rise over 200 meters into the air, serving as a new visual landmark for the developing city.
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