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21. 伦敦:带有攀爬结构的城市休憩中心

...目位于大联盟运河流域的范围内,座落在卡姆利街(camley street)自然公园的北部。设计师试图在这个人工建造的城市半岛上营造出一份温馨恬静的冥想空间,其极具创新、又很怪异的外部造型吸引了许多来伦敦度假的游客和路人的...

/show-22187.html 2014-08-14

22. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

...building is Gehry’s first Florida commission. Location: 500 17th Street, Miami Beach, FL 33139  [page] Site Description: Located in Miami Beach’s vibrant new city center, New World Center is the focal point of a three-part city redevelopment project. The site is located on ...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

23. 梅里达青年工场 艺术与生活的完美结合

...nd Internet, Modding, Tuning, Modeling, Graffiti, Urban Artists, Theatre Street, Tightrope Walkers, Circus activities, Video Art, Electronic Music, Acrobatics, Performing Arts, Manga, Parkour, Audiovisual Arts, Contemporary Dance, Dance Funk and Hip Hop, Dance Hall and MACC (contemporary body ...

/show-11561.html 2011-07-15

24. 大师作品 建筑大师菲利普·约翰逊(Philip Johnson)

...e]        位于曼哈顿春天街(Spring Street)330号宁静街区的都市玻璃之屋(The Urban Glass House)为美国建筑大师Philip Johnson的最后一件建筑作品。2006年即将完工的都市玻璃之屋,优雅的矩形空间,以大胆的几何...

/show-4742.html 2010-08-10

25. 堪称艺术品的室内设计 第五大道公寓

...d Le Corbusier—and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA), across the street.  [page]  Deep window surrounds—large-scale frames rendered in mirror-polished stainless steel with whimsically elongated, mitered corners—now amplify views out. These shining borders recall ...

/show-11502.html 2011-07-11

26. 陶瓷应用于建筑的典范 西班牙小学

...t and is bounded on the north by a football pitch, on the east by Silici Street, by a green area on the south and by the Ronda de Dalt de Barcelona on the west.    All of the school’s support facilities – dining hall, kitchen, gymnasium, changing rooms, teching rooms an...

/show-11400.html 2011-06-16

27. 炫酷或经典 达拉斯艺术区的旋律

...它们面对这个地区的主要街道“弗洛拉街”(Flora Street)。它们强烈地表现了不同的设计风格—— 一座是很酷的、试验性的现代建筑,另一座是有现代外表的传统城市建筑。然而,它们共同给予这个艺术区以达拉斯...

/show-10747.html 2011-05-09

28. 1980年普利策建筑奖获奖得者:刘易斯·巴拉干

...ayed with water. The importance of walls is that they isolate one from the street’s exterior ace. The street is aggreive, even hostile: walls create silence. From that silence you can play with water as music. Afterwards, that music surrounds us.”--Barragan 巴拉干对水运用的灵感也...

/show-15979.html 2011-10-24

29. 建筑大师汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)

... Kate Mantilini ,餐厅(美国 加利福尼亚州 比佛利山/1986) 6th Street Residence,独户住宅(美国 加利福尼亚州 圣塔莫尼卡/1987) Malibu Beach House,独户住宅(美国 加利福尼亚州 马利布/1987) Reno House, ,独户住宅(美国 内华达州 雷诺/1987) WAS House, ...

/show-4748.html 2010-08-11

30. 欧美国家推崇再生建筑保留城市历史文化

...得以重见天日。   著名的美国纽约华尔街(Wall Street),直译是“城墙街”之意,它得名于荷兰人1652年在当地(当时叫“新阿姆斯特丹”)建立的要塞工程。那座墙是荷兰式的土墙,市中心还有一座堡垒专门保护...

/show-19351.html 2011-11-23