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21. 天然石材名称英语词汇总汇

... 江西红 Jhansi Red 将军红 Befast 将军红 Suya Pink 酱色石 Golden Galaxy 焦糖金麻 Caramelo Decorado 金彩麻 Giallo Veneziano 金点蓝钻 Blue Galaxy 金光麻 Brazilian Light 金花黄沙石 Amarillo Fosil 金花米黄 Perlato Svevo 金幻彩 Fantasy Viyola 金...

/show-200.html 2010-04-09

22. 让人流连忘返的疗养院 Rehabilitation Centre Groot Klimmendaal

...antilevers out over the surrounding terrain. Despite its size, the brown-golden anodised aluminium facade allows the nearly 14.000sqm building to blend in with its natural surroundings. Full height glazing along the central space connecting the various different internal elements of the buildi...

/show-9337.html 2011-04-20