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21. 废弃物的华丽再利用 糖纸包装椅子

...产。椅子的结构设计非常简单,将造价降至最底。  [page] SNOWJOB Design: Emiliano Godoy, 2009 The “Snowjob” chair is formed by two main components. The first is a wooden structure that forms the legs and general support of the piece, manufactured in FSC certi...

/show-11306.html 2011-05-30

22. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:A Cradle to Cradle Inspired

... that enhances the local community, its ecosystem and its economy.  [page]   “Truly a beautifully executed study, which integrates many programmatic uses with Bold gestures of design, and responds to all aspects of sustainability, sensitive site planning, and cultural integrat...

/show-9031.html 2011-05-16

23. 外贸保险知识

...的卸货、装货、存仓以及运送货物所产生的特别费用。[page] 7、发生共同海损所引起的牺牲、公摊费和救助费用。 8、发生了保险责任范围内的危险,被保险人对货物采取抢求、防止或少损失的各种措施,因而产生合理施遇用。...

/show-8315.html 2011-03-18

24. 25位全球顶尖室内设计师访谈 直击大师手笔

...了镜子的屏风为整个空间又添了一分灵动的轻盈。  [page] 2.Bunny Williams   Bunny Williams在英国老牌古董商Stair and Company开始职业生涯。1967年,她跳槽到颇具声望的Parish-Hadley Associates公司,在那里,她的设计天赋得到进一步...

/show-11878.html 2011-08-15

25. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

... to assume leading roles in orchestras and ensembles around the world. [page] Project Description: Built in the heart of Miami Beach, New World Center, the New World Symphony’s new campus, is an innovative facility for music education and performance with state-of-the-art technical ...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

26. 常用外贸术语大全

...ght)净重 $$分页$$ G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制 [page] H组 HB/L(货代提单):HOUSE BILL OF LADING HBL 子提单 House B/L H/C 代理费 Handling Charge I 组 IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用 INT(international)国际的 INV (invoi...

/show-8360.html 2011-03-21

27. 现代建筑派大师:诺曼·福斯特(Norman Foster)

...aduct)上的车辆           [page]           米洛大桥(Millau Viaduct)如穿越?端     壮观的米洛大桥(Millau Viaduct)     ?端中的米洛大桥(Millau Viaduct) &n...

/show-15272.html 2011-09-08