...最近获得“罗马建筑大奖”(Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture)。这家公司主要研究寒冷气候社区面临的问题。 图片:多伦多“拉特拉尔建筑事务所”(Lateral Office)的创立者洛拉-谢泼德(Lola Sheppard)和梅森-...
/show-4657.html 2011-01-15
...nbsp; We tried to see if we could design a space that would be‘indoor’(which was closed in terms of the thermal environment) but would give a feeling of being‘outdoors’as a backdrop within the building. 日本的北海道地区位于日本列...
/show-16781.html 2011-11-04
...rds Contemporary Architecture 3 柯里亚的设计手法 Design Methoeds in Correa's Words 4 柯里亚的建筑空间 Correa's works 住宅建筑篇 HOUSING 01.拉姆克里西纳个人住宅 Ramakrishna House 02.干城章嘉公寓 Kanchanjunga Apartments 03.科拉马南住宅 House at Kor...
/show-15579.html 2011-09-19
...ate tiers row pattern 交错码放 AGV 无人搬运车 anchoring 膨胀螺丝 AS/RS (Automatic Storage Retrieval System) 自动存取机/系统 自动存取仓储系统 自动仓库系统 assembly packaging 集合包装 average inventory 平均...
/show-5009.html 2010-08-31
Living in the sun ——Home for Jewelry Designer 住在阳光里 ——珠宝设计师的家 编辑:南雪倩 文:左清筝 C18设计事务所的建筑师们为一位珠宝设计师设...
/show-16792.html 2011-11-04
由广州国际设计周等七大机构合力打造的金堂奖2010 CHINA-DESIGNER中国室内设计年度评选,是目前中国室内设计业界最具话语权的年度评选。新年来临,1月6日下午两点,在金堂奖获得佳绩的一众浙江知名设计师,到会杭州江南会,...
/show-15574.html 2011-09-19
...:Atelier Brückner The Magic Box with it's innovative and challenging character was born out of the desire of the client and the designer to create a spectacular journey of power in an ephemere and holistic narrative that creates a fascinating, electrifying spatial ex...
/show-16778.html 2011-11-04
...有所帮助。 保险单:Insurance Policy,又称为大保单,是一种正规的保险合同。是保险人(即保险公司)与被保险人(即投保人、一般为进出商)之间订立的保险合同当被保险货物遭受保险合同责...
/show-1913.html 2010-04-24
...gmbh 总设计师: wolf d. prix 项目建筑师: martin mostb?ck 方案建筑师: sophie-charlotte grell 设计团队: steven baites, daniel bolojan, victoria coaloa, volker kilian, ?martin neuma, martin jelinek 业主: aociation 'freunde de...
/show-19282.html 2011-11-23
...much is this? How much will that be? How much are these altogether? I think this is too expensive. That's little too much for me. Could you make it less for me? I can't afford it. This is too much. This is not a reasonable price. I don't have this much cash on me. Will you make it little chea...
/show-2962.html 2010-06-02