...motto, the new Dornier Museum takes the visitors on a journey to the world of aerospace. About 400 exhibits give a survey of 100 years of pioneering spirit at Dornier. 如果你是一个飞机迷,对各个时期各个型号的飞机如数家珍,那你一定不会不知道Clau...
/show-16764.html 2011-11-04
...els, Belgium) 原子塔,地点:比利时布鲁塞尔 Great arche of defense (Paris, France) 防御大拱门,地点:法国巴黎 Ferdinand Cheval Palace (France) 费迪南德白马宫又名理想宫,地点:法国巴黎 Cathedral of Brasilia (Brazil) 巴西利亚大教...
/show-2246.html 2010-05-12
... 210德国马克折合人民币400元。 Don't you wish to employ RMB of ours? US Dollars might be adopted. 如果你们不同意用我们的人民币结算,美圆也可以。 Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations? 您是不是怕由于汇率浮动而吃亏...
/show-8318.html 2011-03-18
...易石材术语 1) purchasing transportation services from a VOCC and offering 向船舶承运人购买再向 2) payment of port to port or multi-modal transportation charges 支付港到港或全程多式联运费用 3) entering into affreightment agreements with underl...
/show-8324.html 2011-03-18
...nspiration from the “zori”, traditional Japanese slippers made of rice straw. A product of extremely low cost, for many years they were just rubber flip-flops, a long way from the fashion icon they are today.
/show-585.html 2010-03-17
...&mdashmdash;凯悦国际前总裁、世界十大酒店领导人、cademy of Hoitality Sciences终生成就奖获得者曹令高(Bernd Chorengel)先生创立运营,并由世界排名前五、上海柏悦酒店室内设计师Tony Chi先生主持室内设计。该酒店位于被纽约《TIME》...
/show-19132.html 2011-11-23
...费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。 B/L 海运提单 Bill of Lading B/R 买价 Buying Rate C组(主要运费已付) CFR 成本加运费(……指定目的港) CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价 C&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHT C&F 成本...
/show-8319.html 2011-03-18
...务所设计的美国“波士顿美术馆”(The Boston Museum of Fine Arts)和在阿布扎比的“马斯达尔学院”(Masdar Ititute)进入了参加决赛的“五强”。 扎哈-哈迪德建筑事务所(Zaha Hadid Architects)也获得一项...
/show-19361.html 2011-11-23
...; 在日前与布拉格艺术、建筑与设计学院画廊(Gallery of Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague)举办的展览中,A1建筑事务所展出了他们的一些新住宅项目。 展览中包括一系列 1:125的住...
/show-16668.html 2011-11-03
...物馆扩建工程,地点:加拿大多伦多 John Curtin School of Medical Research (Australia) John Curtin 医学研究所,地点:澳大利亚 Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Nice, France) 现当代艺术博物馆,地点:法国Nice Tenerife Concert Hall (Canary I...
/show-2248.html 2010-05-12