...目难忘。 [page] Appreciation towards Edwards Moore for providing the following description: [page] Edwards Moore designed a temporary cave-like space, providing an intimate setting and backdrop for Arnsdorf’s Opticks Collection. [page] Inspired by cry...
/show-11338.html 2011-06-02
... situated in heavily treed sand dunes directly behind 16th beach at Rye on the Mornington Peninsula, only two hours from Melbourne. There was in this home to be the sense of arriving at a natural and built environment which was unique and in complete contrast to the owners city home. ...
/show-581.html 2010-03-17
...计: Eckertharms Architekten/Innenarchitekten The green school was projected to raise people's awareness of the meaning of the biological variety and the importance of their sustainment. This project is a prototype of an educational institution that turns the attention es...
/show-16761.html 2011-11-04
...下。 Goodmorning Mr.Mohammed,Mr.Ali.I am Sofia the reporter of Qingdao Stone Fair Newspaper.Welcome to Qingdao and it is my plasure to give you two an interview. 记者:请问二位这次为什么来青岛,此行的目的是什么? &...
/show-3541.html 2011-01-12
... (Natural stones test methods - Determination of resistance to ageing by thermal shock.) NF B10-628-2003 ...
/show-661.html 2010-04-19
...:Marcus Meyer, Bremen 设计:Atelier Brückner The new BMW Museum had to be integrated into the existing structural fabric of the group headquarters in Munich. Here, trend-setting architecture already had had a presence in 1973 with the “Museum Bowl” by the Vie...
/show-16768.html 2011-11-04
编辑:南雪倩 设计:Ab Rogers 资料提供:Theddsa风格大道 位于伦敦市区的彩虹房,由Ab Rogers设计,俨然一处闹市中的世外桃源。 在一条熙来攘往的街道上,彩虹房可谓是一个“神奇...
/show-16583.html 2011-11-03
... 另外,“凳子——与地面如此亲近”(stools - so close to the ground)主题展也是非常引人瞩目的一个活动。在本次主题展上,我们将见到23为当代世界级设计大师的凳子设计,可谓百花齐放,争芳斗艳。其中包括Jaer Morrison、Michael ...
/show-13531.html 2011-08-26
...f financial business (services); division of business scope based on the type of financial institutions 风险暴露(风险敞口) risk exposure 风险管理 risk management 风险意识 risk awareness 风险资本比例 risk-weighted capital ratios 风...
/show-4295.html 2010-07-16
...的典范。 得奖的是本地最高组屋“达士岭”(The Piacle@Duxton)、滨海湾的螺旋桥(The Helix)、新加坡艺术学院(School of the Arts Singapore)以及印尼峇厘岛的豪华度假别墅Alila Villas Uluwatu。它们以创意思维及别具一格的建...
/show-18294.html 2011-11-16