/show-21019.html 2013-03-20
...会! 一、Collection Q Carpet Tile red dot red dot award: product design 2009 The Collection Q is a flooring for ambitious and creative object solutions. It is the result of an exclusive development for the manufacturer. The design of the tiles consists of squares in four...
/show-1573.html 2011-05-16
...“深圳装饰界的黄埔教官”赞誉 家园地址:http://www.china-designer.com/home/156032.htm 关于工作方式 China-designer:日常工作中,您经常通过什么途径获得客户? 陈风:我的客户基本全是朋友、同学、同事、老客户介绍的,具体来说先...
/show-16366.html 2011-10-26
china-designer:您认为2010年的室内设计流行趋势最显著的特点会是什么?作为设计师应该引导什么样的潮流?在地板的设计中应该如何更好体现这种潮流?作为家装用户,如何在家庭设计中体现这种潮流? 祝建深:最显著的特点是人性化...
/show-16494.html 2011-11-01
...进入“2010红点奖作品展”专题 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot: best of the best 制造商:Tandberg, Norway 设计:TANDBERG Design Team (Glenn Robert Grimsrud Aarrestad), Norway 挪威Tandberg performance mic 20 麦克风 Tandberg performance mic 20是一款宽频...
/show-10483.html 2011-05-16
空间的整洁,犹如画布的整洁 China-designer记者:最近有一种说法很流行“办公环境越乱,办公效率越高”,您个人对这种说法怎么看?您个人的办公环境又是属于哪一种呢? 郭启明:首先,我并不太认...
/show-21061.html 2013-04-03
...he campus is the first purpose-built home for the New World Symphony. The design for the campus’ program-focused building, conceived to be at the intersection of music and architecture, has emerged from a long and close collaboration between two American artistic icons, Michael Tilson Tho...
/show-10760.html 2011-05-09
[page] Designer: Naoto Fukasawa Photography: Yoneo Kawabe [page] "What you get is something akin to the firmness, the relative resilience, of Sanuki udon”. It was these words uttered by Naoto Fukasawa in conversation that inspired me. He explain...
/show-11495.html 2011-07-11
...文信息及视频video [page] Form Us With Love has designed an interactive installation of 91 linked 24 carat gold covered Work Lamps creating a massive Light Jockey instrument. The installation was uncovered June 18 at Design House Stockholm's opening of their OPEN conc...
/show-11564.html 2011-07-15
/show-16424.html 2011-10-26