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11. 几种石材表面处理工艺:光面、荔枝面、火烧面等

...材本身丰富艳丽的色彩和天然的纹理。   2、亚光面(honed)   亚光面是指表面平整,用树脂磨料等在表面进行较少的磨光处理。其光度较磨光面低,一般在30-50、60左右。具有一定的光度,但对光的反射较弱。表面平整光...

/show-20567.html 2012-12-20

12. 堪称艺术品的室内设计 第五大道公寓

...ing separate areas within the larger space. Just as the smooth floors are honed from neutral, almost utilitarian materials, these cabinets are finely crafted from exposed apple plywood. In the main living area, the credenza—its top plane floating above a wide reveal—houses kitchen fun...

/show-11502.html 2011-07-11