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11. 2007年国际室内设计大奖五位获奖者作品欣赏

...分别为Wonderwall of Tokyo ,Thomas Heatherwick, Zaha Hadid, Item Idem and Ryuji Nakamura Architects 。 图为Zaha Hadid设计的 R. Lopez de Heredia 酒厂 图为Wonderwall 设计的Pierre Herme Paris 图为Wonderwall 设计的 Original Fake   图为Wonderwall 设...

/show-2101.html 2010-05-13

12. 海帕馆

...美国   设计团队主管:Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio and Charles Renfro   高级设计师伙伴:Kevin Rice   建筑团队:Zoe Small, Haruka Saito, A-Rachel Schiffman, Stefan Roeschert, Michael Hundurcher, Roman Loretan, Dan Sakai, Chris Andreacola, Anthony Sab...

/show-18461.html 2011-11-23

13. 80个奇异美妙的建筑设计(八)

... John Curtin 医学研究所,地点:澳大利亚 Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Nice, France) 现当代艺术博物馆,地点:法国Nice Tenerife Concert Hall (Canary Islands, Spain) Tenerife 音乐厅,地点:西班牙 State Department for Traffic (Tbilis, Georgi...

/show-2248.html 2010-05-12

14. 扎哈·哈迪德参加“普利兹克奖”评审团

...席。评审团还包括智利建筑师亚力杭德罗-阿拉维纳,(Alejandro Aravena)、澳大利亚建筑师格兰-穆卡特(Glenn Murcutt)、芬兰建筑师尤哈尼-帕拉斯马(Juhani Pallasmaa)、美国建筑评论家凯伦-斯坦因(Karen Stein)和“普利兹克奖”...

/show-16564.html 2011-11-03

15. 专访MAD建筑事务所实习生及作品赏析 乌苏拉凯泽

...AD no doubt is one of the most recognized architectural practices in China and worldwide. Every year, MAD receives countless job and internship applications. To be able to work at MAD will definitely enrich your career as even though the people working here might have been lucky, but are undeniabl...

/show-9411.html 2011-04-06

16. 石材外壳的巴塞罗那Elisava大学宝马赞助项目作品展

...建筑艺术的特色。 宝马 La Sagrada Família (David Torres and Ferran Esquius) 巴塞罗那到处都是Gaudi现代主义,La Sagrada Família的设计思想就是来自它这种独特、壮丽的建筑风格。La Sagrada Família是一种豪华的汽车,它只正...

/show-2670.html 2010-05-24

17. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:Isla Palenque

...师协会(ASLA)专业奖”专题 “The concept is effective and comprehensive. It combines the sustainable resort and eco-tourism. As part of the ecotourism concept, it seems that they spoke to the people who live there and the solutions were developed from their culture, which is ver...

/show-9037.html 2011-05-16

18. 法国Naco设计事务所设计广州Mouton Cadet酒吧

...t bar is an invitation to travel. The design concept tells a story Journey and shows the brand international dimension. All the elements of the bar recalls exceptional moments or sensations a dandy traveler has experienced.       已有80余年历史的Mouton Cadet为何将在...

/show-16758.html 2011-11-04

19. 美国设计师斯蒂文-霍尔作品欣赏

...的设计方案,击败了建筑师赫尔佐格·德梅隆(Herzog and de Meuron)的方案和大卫·奇普菲尔德(David Chipperfield)的方案。斯蒂文-霍尔的设计方案将场地划分为“水区”和“山区”两个主题。   在“水...

/show-1802.html 2010-12-30

20. 现代建筑派大师:诺曼·福斯特(Norman Foster)

...4年建筑金奖、UniversidadInternacional 'Menendez Pelayo'金奖, Santander, Spain1995;法国文化部的艺术与文字顾问团高级顾问;the Order of North Rhine-Westphalia;MIPIM 年度人物奖; “Building”1996 年度建筑师名人奖;因为巴塞罗那城市建设所作贡献获...

/show-15272.html 2011-09-08