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181. 石材外贸课堂 不同外贸业务员现场过招

...d your proposal quite interesting, Mr. Hughes. We'd like to weigh the pros and cons (衡量得失) with you.     K: Mr. Lucky, we've looked all over Asia for a manufacturer; your company is one of the most suitable.     L: If we can settle a number of basic ...

/show-3765.html 2010-06-28

182. Nick Fraser设计“香草”系列

...间,这里是节日的主要活动中心。 Ideal for growing her and other small plants, Herb was designed with the windowsill garden in mind and will soon be available to buy. 盛放在经典的陶土容器内的新鲜“香草”惹人眼目,项目设计已经在当代艺...

/show-18894.html 2011-11-23

183. 与客户还价12句全能商务电话口语

...离岸价150美元。     6. Your counteroffer is too low and we can’t accept it.     你方还价太低了,我方无法接受。     7. I’m afraid I don’t find your price competitive at all.     我看你们的报...

/show-8310.html 2011-03-18

184. 法国Naço设计事务所的红酒吧设计

...l;o设计事务所  In this little space of 40m2, Naco Architectures and Franck have decided to mix vintage and industrial style. The center of the room is occupied with a U shaped bar. Its wooden counter highly contrats with the metallic aspect of the stools, the shelves, the kitchen utensils...

/show-16756.html 2011-11-04

185. 吕永中设计LG FASHION上海研发中心

...as a mixed, single frame structure construction. The balance of the nature and reality was a real problem, and the spring concept became theme element during the design process.             春天已逝。昆明、大理苏润如水,四季如春,...

/show-16753.html 2011-11-04

186. 苏黎世The Dolder Grand奢华酒店

核心提示:苏黎世的The Dolder Grand hotel自1899年开业一个世纪以来,一直是欧洲奢华酒店的象征,但经过多次修葺后门庭已大不如前。这次酒店更是耗资达四亿美元来全面翻新....   苏黎世的The Dolder Grand hotel自1899年开业...

/show-13810.html 2011-08-26

187. foster + partners: 苹果公司新总部大楼

苹果学园' foster and partners,美国,加州,库比提诺   由foster and partners建筑事务所设计的苹果公司新总部“苹果学院”一直是舆论讨论的焦点,近日官方设计方案正式在加州圣塔克拉拉郡的库比提诺市...

/show-19273.html 2011-11-23

188. 世界建筑节别墅设计奖墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

...近忽远的距离感。 This holiday home is situated in heavily treed sand dunes directly behind 16th beach at Rye on the Mornington Peninsula, only two hours from Melbourne. There was in this home to be the sense of arriving at a natural and built environment which was unique and in complete con...

/show-581.html 2010-03-17

189. 瑞士:canary码头摩天大楼设计方案确定

...划的子部分。 该总体规划方案将由伦敦建筑公司Allies and Morrison承接。本次总体规划中共有5栋新的住宅大楼。赫尔佐格&德梅隆建筑事务所将和伦敦本土建筑工作室Stanton Williams通力合作完成其中的三座住宅楼,总共包括884个住...

/show-21832.html 2013-12-25

190. 方峻设计住宅公寓

...生,和谐同融。 &mdashmdasheijing Olympics. Origi symbiotic and harmonious communion &mdashmdash;北京奥运ull;纪念版时装设计。 &mdashmdasheijing Olympics. Commemorative Fashion Desig &mdashmdash;北京奥运ull;纪念版示范单位(样板...

/show-18711.html 2011-11-23