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161. 查尔斯柯里亚的建筑空间

... 1 查尔斯·柯里亚 Charies Correa 2 走向现代建筑 Towards Contemporary Architecture 3 柯里亚的设计手法 Design Methoeds in Correa's Words 4 柯里亚的建筑空间 Correa's works 住宅建筑篇 HOUSING 01.拉姆克里西纳个人住宅 Ramakrishna House 02....

/show-15579.html 2011-09-19

162. 福建下石村桥上书屋 2010年Aga Khan 建筑奖大奖

...e, but also presents a spiritual centre. The main concept of the design is to enliven an old community (the village) and to sustain a traditional culture (the castles and lifestyle) through a contemporary language which does not compete with the traditional, but presents and communicates with the tr...

/show-10981.html 2011-05-16

163. 石材外贸 案例分析之开证行以寄单行表提不符点为由拒付案

...应申请人要求将 “FREIGHT PREPAID” 改为 “FREIGHT TO COLLECT”, 并向通知行发出修改电。     受利人向寄单行提交信用证项下的单据后,寄单行发现单据上显示的仍然是信用证修改前的“FREIGHT PREPAID”...

/show-3673.html 2010-06-24

164. 西班牙最新名建筑 大都市阳伞 Metropol Parasol

...ment of Plaza de la Encarnacion, Seville, Spain   Client: Ayuntamiento de Sevilla und SACYR Architects: J. MAYER H. Architects Project Architect:  Jürgen Mayer H.,  Andre Santer,  Marta Ramírez Iglesias Project Team: Ana Alonso de la Varga, Jan-Christoph Stockebr...

/show-9321.html 2011-04-03

165. 石材行业国家标准编号九

... Masonry and stone cutting-off machines for job site - Safety BS EN 12326-2-2000 ...

/show-656.html 2010-04-19

166. Atelier Brückner 设计腓特列多尼尔博物馆

...lein     “Where great pioneers meet!” According to this motto, the new Dornier Museum takes the visitors on a journey to the world of aerospace. About 400 exhibits give a survey of 100 years of pioneering spirit at Dornier.     如果你是一个飞机迷...

/show-16764.html 2011-11-04

167. 德国红点设计大奖 简约实用办公桌

... room for individual requirements for shapes, colours, decoration, and worktop material. The pieces of furniture have been designed for office use, but are also highly suitable for living rooms due to their design, measurements and choice of materials. Ahrend 800 is aimed at a target group who parti...

/show-1241.html 2011-05-16

168. 2010红点获奖作品 Cosmolite Luggage 贝壳行李箱

...c significance – the choice of a piece of luggage and what is being stored in it tells a lot about its user. Perhaps that is the reason why luggage also plays an equally central role in film and literature. For instance the suitcase in the famous movie “Pulp Fiction” by director Qu...

/show-10399.html 2011-05-16

169. 行业标准 石材测试标准一览表

...度 compressive strength EN1926:2006 11 销钉孔破坏载荷 resistance to fixing (dowel hole) EN 13364:2002 17 盐雾测试 Salt mist EN 14147-2003 6 耐磨性 abrasion resistance EN14157:2004 12 声速测试 sound speed EN 14579:2004 18 二氧化硫老化 sulfur dioxide exposure EN 13919:2002 ...

/show-4554.html 2010-12-30

170. 石材行业国家标准编号八

...physical properties of aggregates - Part 8: Determination of the polished stone value EN 1342-2001 外...

/show-672.html 2010-04-19