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141. 行业标准 石材测试标准一览表

石材测试标准一览表Testing Items 测试项目 Testing Standard 测试标准   Testing Items 天然石--欧标EN 1 岩相分析 petrographic description EN 12407:2007 7 防滑性 Slip Resistance EN142312003 13 莫氏硬度mohs hardness EN 101 2 吸水率 water absorption EN13755:2002 8...

/show-4554.html 2010-12-30

142. 国银-民生金融大厦 建筑设计方案国际竞赛

...ernational Schematic Design Competition of The Two Towers ---- CDB Tower and Minsheng Financial Tower 一、项目概述General Information 项目名称:双塔奇缘——国银-民生金融大厦建筑设计方案竞赛,以下简称双塔竞赛。 Project Name: International Conc...

/show-11376.html 2011-06-13

143. 石材行业国家标准编号四

... Natural stone products - Slabs for floors and stairs - Requirements BS EN 14157-2005 ...

/show-670.html 2010-04-19

144. 建筑书籍介绍 林 盘

...ng the form of Linpan can help us to make further advance in tourist trade and expand local culture. There are two subjects Linpan-Habitat and Culture-Ecology in my paper. As a unique type of folk house and landscape,combining the space of living,working,relaxing ect.,Linpan house embodies g...

/show-15587.html 2011-09-19

145. 2010红点获奖作品 Helix系列螺旋铰链眼镜

... the spiral The spiral can be found everywhere in nature, in both animate and inanimate objects. An outstanding example is the shell of the marine creature called Nautilus, but fern leaves too first wind around the stem in a spiral shape, before growing further to unfold. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe...

/show-10401.html 2011-05-16

146. ECO Pavilion 201 / MMX

...r the 2011 ECO Pavilion.   The design does not seek to create a stand-alone piece at the main courtyard; on the contrary, the intervention tries to strengthen the key assets of the original museum, creating an extension of the architectural experiment that the original building pursues....

/show-9345.html 2011-04-03

147. Atelier Brückner 设计纺织工业国家博物馆

...ash;—纺织工业国家博物馆 State Museum  of Textile  and Industry   文;Cheryl   编辑:南雪倩 设计: Atelier Brückner 摄影:Volker Mai     On the site of the Augsburg Worsted Spinning Mill, the State Museum of Textile and Indus...

/show-16765.html 2011-11-04

148. 世界建筑节学术类奖珀尔时尚学院

...形式与功能上的实现。 Jaipur is a melting pot of Rajput, Mughal and several other cultures and is also the seat of a generous amount of vernacular tradition. The challenge to build a progressive design institute requires addressing the new generation, contemporary social condition and need...

/show-582.html 2010-03-17

149. 梅里达青年工场 艺术与生活的完美结合

...ose Selgas, Lucia Cano, architects Project Team: Diego Cano, Lara Lesmes, Andrea Carbajo, Lorena del Río, Laura Culiáñez, architects Client: JUNTA DE EXTREMADURA Structural engineer:  BOMA, LANIK Mechanical engineering: Carlos Rubio Climbing Wall: Top 30 Electrical En...

/show-11561.html 2011-07-15

150. 悬崖上的住宅设计 日本东京住宅

...located in Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo. The characteristic of this area is the hilly landscape. The site is located on the top of the hill and half of the site is a cliff. There were many trees remained untouched on the cliff. The clients request was to remain the trees to take over the memory of the site...

/show-11401.html 2011-06-16