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101. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 阿达莫的XPS笔记本

...o;, this is what French novelist Victor Hugo had one of his characters say and thus expressed what these two terms have in common: their meanings both lie in the eye of the beholder. This is especially true for notebooks, which reflect both contemporary utility and the users’ highly individual...

/show-10379.html 2011-05-16

102. 设计名企系列专访之黄志达——设计要执着

...Deeply affected by his familial busine, he was familiar with furniture art and interior decoration in his childhood. At that time, he has already decided to dedicate himself to being a excellent designer. After graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University majoring in interior design, he chose to ...

/show-16461.html 2011-11-01

103. 石材行业国家标准编号一

... (Aggregates. Rotary-furnace made expanded clay and shale for making concretes.) NF E65-402-2000 ...

/show-661.html 2010-04-19

104. “容易接受的奢侈品”室内设计概念竞赛开赛

...s, a return to investment in tangible, traditional goods, with furnishings and the home in general taking first place. In line with this trend, the organizers are pleased to invite “under-40” designers and architects to participate in a conceptual competition addreing this interesting ...

/show-16920.html 2011-11-07

105. 香榭丽舍大街上的展厅SHOWROOM

...escamps - Juliano Bottari General Contractor : Bane Deco Carpenter : Art and comfort The company Stella K, specialized in the design and distribution of prêt-à-porter, occupies two floors in Avenue des Champs-Elysees. It calls upon the skills of Pascal Grasso Architectures to assis...

/show-11302.html 2011-05-30

106. 签合同时合同事务的常用表达

...中国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签了字。 A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract.中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。 It was because of you that we landed the contract.因为你,我们才签了那份合同。 ...

/show-5632.html 2010-12-31

107. 常用外贸术语大全(一)

...) CFR 成本加运费(……指定目的港) CFR(cost and freight)成本加运费价 C&F(成本加运费):COST AND FREIGHT C&F 成本加海运费 COST AND FREIGHT CIF 成本、保险费加运费付至(……指定目的港) CIF 成本,保险加海运...

/show-8319.html 2011-03-18

108. 施旭东作品 创意亚洲音乐吧--海魅

...们与海洋生生相息、密不可分。 The sea is breeding the human and loading the human civilization development. We are closely related with the sea. 中国的古典文明如海洋般的神秘却暗藏着深深的力量,和西方文明的碰撞必将冲刷出最优美的乐意。 The Ch...

/show-19560.html 2012-03-22

109. 关于合同的外贸英语大集合

...国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签了字。 A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract. 中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。 It was because of you that we landed the contract. 因为有了你,我们才签了那...

/show-4548.html 2010-07-28

110. 2010红点获奖作品 德国Ch04 houdini扶手椅和靠背椅3

...,这款椅子就这样完成了。 Bent into shape – inspiration and material “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” This ...

/show-10459.html 2011-05-16