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91. Brad Cloepfil设计的Clyfford Still博物馆破土动工

...广场内。它临近新丹尼尔里伯斯金丹佛艺术博物馆(the new Daniel Libeskind Denver Art Museum)和由迈克尔格雷夫斯(Michael Graves)设计的丹佛公共图书馆(the Denver Public Library)。

/show-17050.html 2011-11-07

92. 2011年斯德哥尔摩设计周 模数化厚毛毡外壳酷灯

...-year-old lighting manufacturer ateljé Lyktan. Hood is a part of a new venture at ateljé Lyktan called Ateljén and here a team of designers and craftsmen are available to develop lighting solutions for the contract market. [page]   [page]   [page] &n...

/show-11337.html 2011-06-02

93. 建筑大师伯纳德·屈米作品--竹语

...hings, and most kitchen and bathroom appliances. We have also designed two new space-dividing systems, both made of bamboo: one is a folding partition that expands from a central node to create walls and corridors; the other is a curving partition that unrolls from a cylindrical column to create sin...

/show-4798.html 2010-08-12

94. 设计的灵魂-Atelier专卖店

... 摄影:埃瑞克·莱格尼尔(eric laignel)     A New York boutique by David Mann, Atelier’s got the brawn and the brains   说到它的特点,也许可以说它有着拱形的橱窗,又或许可以说它没有任何多余的灯光照明和色彩装饰,抑或...

/show-16615.html 2011-11-03

95. 捷克建筑师为NASA设计的航天器获奖

... 托马斯-鲁塞克绘制的草图刊载在《新科学家》(New Scientist)杂志上。 托马斯-鲁塞克为计划进行的小行星探测,绘制了一个旋转的航天器。他提交了两种能产生“人工重力”的旋转的航天器。 宇航员或者...

/show-18048.html 2011-11-16

96. 获诺贝尔奖的建筑师设计的第一幢住宅上市出售

...,建成于1949年,是菲利普-约翰逊在康涅狄格州新迦南(New Canaan)设计的地标性“玻璃房”(Glass House)的先驱。窗外,住房周围的林地一览无余。这幢住宅属于前建筑师希卡-达莫拉(Sirkka Damora)和她已故的丈夫罗伯特。...

/show-3730.html 2011-01-15

97. 伯纳德·屈米(BERNARD TSCHUMI):“竹语”作品

...nd most kitchen and bathroom appliances.   We have also designed two new space-dividing systems, both made of bamboo: one is a folding partition that expands from a central node to create walls and corridors; the other is a curving partition that unrolls from a cylindrical column to create sin...

/show-15229.html 2011-09-08

98. 广岛系列家具欣赏 超越Y椅子的设计

... original point of departure     Maruni Collection: Setting New Standards for the Global Market   The “Hiroshima” series was released in 2008 with the aims of looking into what exactly Maruni Wood Industry should be creating and of trying to throw light on the sta...

/show-11495.html 2011-07-11

99. 圣彼得堡新荷兰岛项目决赛名单公布

...览在圣彼得堡开幕,陈列了参加“新荷兰岛项目”(New Holland Island)竞争的一些建筑事务所(建筑师)的作品。 1、大卫-奇普菲尔德建筑事务所的“新荷兰岛项目”方案。 [page] 2、大卫-奇普菲尔德建筑事务所的&l...

/show-11741.html 2011-08-02

100. Designliga设计“多毛”发型沙龙店

...已!     Clients at her salon come away with not only a new hairstyle, but also an insight into the avant-garde pulse of the city.      Christina Nemetz,慕尼黑Salon Nemetz发型沙龙店掌门人。态度一贯的平和自然,她展现给顾客的满腔...

/show-16766.html 2011-11-04