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1. Fluoro Shade漂亮橙色照明灯

  角落里的一串球球是什么东西?难道是硕大的外星人大脑?当然不是,那是氟硅橡胶。这是来自设计师Tom Dixon的橙色/红色照明创意。这氟硅橡胶由两个泡沫组成,可当做吊饰或者楼道灯。将这些叠在一起挂满你的房间!...

/show-14690.html 2011-09-05

2. 德国红点设计大奖 创意地板装饰

... for the manufacturer. The design of the tiles consists of squares in four shades of colours harmonised with each other. Creating mosaic patterns with small dimensions produces the impression of jointless and directionless flatness. From a close view the floor seems to be dynamic; the whole surface,...

/show-1573.html 2011-05-16

3. 石材表面加工英文术语

...terial to a uniform specification without producing a reflective surface. Shade variation: Slabs / tiles should be sorted to ensure uniformity of shade. Normally, any colour can be sorted into three shades. Sorting is simple -just lay all the material on the floor and look from different directions...

/show-2089.html 2010-05-06

4. 国外石材大板欣赏2

  Country of Origin: Brazil This granite features neutral shades of beige and desaturated green. The subtle veining creates interest without overpowering the overall design. Avocato would be the perfect stone for clients who wish to create a more unified color scheme, rather than settin...

/show-687.html 2010-03-22

5. 国外石材大板欣赏19

  Country of Origin: Brazil Prominent directional veining in muted shades of warm browns contrasted with cool greens make this an unusual granite.

/show-704.html 2010-03-22

6. 国外石材大板欣赏20

  Country of Origin: Brazil This exquisite new granite features large flakes formed by the presence of smooth rocks embedded in the block of stone. True to its name, Emerald Green features shades of forest, olive, jade and grass green misted with some gray and even a hint of turquoise.

/show-705.html 2010-03-22

7. Tom Dixon灯具设计

Tom Dixon设计的Fluoro Shade灯具欣赏。

/show-13846.html 2011-08-26

8. 领略《五十度灰》霸道总裁豪宅的大理石装饰效果

近来,一部史上最狗血爱情动作大片《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)席卷全球。但是因其尺度原因影片无法在国内上映。国内影迷无法一睹为快更让“五十度灰”如谜一样神秘。话说剧中,28岁英俊的霸道总裁克里斯蒂安-格雷...

/show-22355.html 2015-06-17

9. SOPRA UPPER LOUNGE Munge Leung作品欣赏

... the hip and sassy Sopra Bar. With its plush interiors in rust, orange and shades of brown and comfy chairs, this bar provides a live atmosphere to unwind from a hectic schedule. The enticing menu comprises of international delicacies sorted in five interesting sections like "land", "sea", "earth", ...

/show-11252.html 2011-06-07

10. 亨特窗饰“百万巨献”首轮抽奖热力启动 首位光影大使——段凌宇

...计作品有机会入选修编于《亨特奢华窗饰作品集(Windows Shades of Luxury Living),作为世界领先窗饰品牌亨特窗饰的亚洲经典案例而出版。 除此之外,她还将获得优先参与未来一年内亨特举办的盛大设计师活动的奖励。 ...

/show-19205.html 2011-11-23