Country of Origin: Brazil This beautiful stone has a light burgundy background highlighted with sliver mica giving the stone an exceptional appearance.
/show-698.html 2010-03-22
...010年9月 总建筑面积: 1959,81 m2 预算: 1.682.519,13&euro 建筑师: joeacute; maría aacutechez garcía 设计团队: daniel gonzález guerrero, julia tertr?m, enrique garcía-margallo solo de zaldivar, francisco aacutechez garc&iac...
/show-19066.html 2011-11-23
...凳。 [page] 12.迷你厨房兼咖啡吧。 13.另一端的活动室,外面有广阔的露天平台。 [page] 14.活动室旁边是一圈长椅,后面玻璃门里是大会议室。 15.整个办公空间的全景,以及单独分割...
/show-10765.html 2011-05-09
...ct-resistant carpet tile measuring 50 x 50 cm and available in a choice of 13 standard colours. Consisting of six tiles per colour and different stripe patterns, the covering can be arranged to point in one direction, in a chessboard pattern or without following any specific overall pattern. Based o...
/show-1570.html 2011-05-16
...资方去两路口皇冠大扶梯旁看项目,竟然惊奇发项目选址13楼。在很多人印象中,迪吧都应该是在平层或地下层,这个13楼的迪吧让谢柯与投资方一样,异常兴奋。 98年,积累了一定经验的谢柯开始做自己的装饰公司,2000年...
/show-20986.html 2013-03-09
...tchen floor cupboards. Opening the block of floor cupboards underneath the 13cm tick worktop creates transparency and lightness as well as emphasising the horizontal. This effect is strengthened by an atmospheric lighting concept. In the wall cabinets above the worktop, lit shelves made of double-si...
/show-1445.html 2011-05-16
...号获得金羊奖2010中国低碳生活设计大奖优秀作品 13. 太古仓壹号的A仓设计获得首届中国国际空间艺术设计大赛“筑巢杯”铜奖 [page] [page] [page]  ...
/show-6424.html 2011-02-14
...厚) B、大理石背面薄膜网要撕掉,防止空鼓。 13、地面弧形石材拼花要采用专业水刀切割,厂方定做。 14、地面石材与地毯交接处用5mm宽不锈钢或铜条收头。 15、石材线条的安装注意事项 A.石材线条必...
/show-941.html 2010-04-19
/show-1112.html 2010-04-01
/show-22498.html 2018-05-10