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1. 欧洲餐厅设计赏析 Holyfields餐厅

...in system gastronomy for a discerning, urban clientele. It satisfies the need for fast and delicious, great value food, as well as providing a visual and atmospheric dining highlight. The differentiated range of seating zones caters towards the different needs of its guests, who are certain to...

/show-11499.html 2012-08-21

2. 外贸英语课堂 八个字母轻松搞定商务谈判

...面,就是 NO TRICKS 每个字母所代表的八个单词——need, options, time, relationships,investment, credibility, knowledge, skills.     NO TRICKS中的“N”代表需求(need)。对于买卖双方来说,谁的需求更强烈一些?如果买方的...

/show-2264.html 2010-05-12

3. 2010红点获奖作品 液体磁性水平测量仪

...he background that metal workers in particular often feel that they “need a second hand”, this level is equipped with a built-in magnet. Connected securely to the workpiece, this magnet level allows users to rely on its support when marking, adjusting or mounting work. A functional advan...

/show-10413.html 2011-05-16

4. 跳舞的花瓶 Dancing Vases

...n in their movement, while dancing around, the “Dancing Vases” need each other to keep standing. [page]   [page]   MORE:ROBIN VAN HONTEM

/show-11340.html 2011-06-02

5. 造型室的草根设计

文:张森   图片提供:need21事务所          “建筑的好坏并不在于华丽或是寒酸。华丽的建筑容易掩盖真实的生活,诱导荒唐、假惺惺的生活;寒酸的建筑更容易培养正确的心态。建筑的功...

/show-16715.html 2011-11-04

6. 世界建筑节学术类奖珀尔时尚学院

... requires addressing the new generation, contemporary social condition and needs to be inspired by tradition, in order to be inspirational to the contemporary sensibility of the modern-day design student. ...

/show-582.html 2010-03-17

7. 梅里达青年工场 艺术与生活的完美结合

...ived as a large canopy opened to the whole city to gather anyone who may need to shelter there. This canopy is supported by a series of ovoid plant parts holding different elements of the requested functions, which are treated as independent modules able to be used separately  with whole ...

/show-11561.html 2011-07-15

8. Danilo Kocjan设计儿童康复中心

...lvety softness. The users can use the atrium in a way it best serves their needs.       该研究所位于斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那,于1954年至1962年由斯洛文尼亚建筑师Danilo Kocjan进行设计。他设想了一个处于绿色种植环境之中,具有斯...

/show-16777.html 2011-11-04

9. 2011年斯德哥尔摩设计周 模数化厚毛毡外壳酷灯

...e light is a modular system with the possibility of growing however big it needs to be. The light is made up of separate felt panels that are assembled on site, making it a flat-pack product. Hood is designed for the 77-year-old lighting manufacturer ateljé Lyktan. Hood is a part of a n...

/show-11337.html 2011-06-02

10. 建筑大师伯纳德·屈米作品--竹语

...residents with the flexibility to design their space according to changing needs.   [page] [page] [page] [page] [page] [page]

/show-4798.html 2010-08-12