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1. 石材中英文对译——S篇

... Sage Green 撒哈拉米黄 Sahara Beige 撒哈拉细点金麻 Sahara Gold 西贡黄 Saigon Huang 圣红花 Saint Flourian 啡金花 Saint laurent 圣路斯银 Saint Louis 猫灰石 Saint Luis 龙凤红 Saint troppez 罗马隆石 Sakhreh 莎利士红 Sallisbury Pink 沙利红 S...

/show-4942.html 2010-08-24

2. 国外石材大板欣赏22

  Country of Origin: Brazil The soft yellow background of this new granite is interspersed with veins of rich gold, black and cream. The effervescent pattern mates perfectly with the warm colors of this stone.

/show-707.html 2010-03-22

3. 石材中英文对译——V篇

...Ubatuba 爵士白 Volakas 皇家蓝 Volga Blue 维亚拉金麻 Vyara Gold

/show-4946.html 2010-08-24

4. 石材中英文对译——R篇

... Dragon Spring 光泽高源红 Red Of Gaoyuan Guangze 金钻红 Red Of Golden Diamond 光泽红 Red Of Guangze 桂林红 Red Of Guilin 荣成海龙红 Red Of Hailong,Rongcheng 天府红 Red Of Heaven's Home 和硕红 Red Of Heshuo 加郡红 Red Of Jiajun 荣成佳润红 Red Of Jiar...

/show-4941.html 2010-08-24