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1. 石材中英文对译——G篇

...neral Red Of Pingyi 长泰 Ghengtai 紫星满天 Ghibli 三越金麻 Giallo Alba 古典金麻 Giallo Antico 贝勒金麻 Giallo Beige 加州金麻 Giallo California 秋黄 Giallo Caspian 金山麻 Giallo Cecilia 德玛拉金缎 Giallo Damara 富达玛金 Giallo Fatima 金钻麻...

/show-4949.html 2010-08-24

2. 国外石材大板欣赏1

Amarelo Argentina 3cm Bundle #4859 Country of Origin: Argentina This relatively consistent stone, made up of flakes of cream, gold and black, offers a slightly more unusual alternative to selections such as Santa Cecilia or Giallo Vicenza.

/show-686.html 2010-03-18