/show-3452.html 2010-06-21
/show-237.html 2010-03-17
...ommunity, its personality and flow. The team developed a comprehensive GIS database for a 1/2-mile area around each station including demographic indicators and assessed values to determine the potential economic impact of local investment. This database was expanded by analyzing information colle...
/show-9033.html 2011-05-16
...haelson一起,为Stroom Den Haag艺术中心举办的Welcome to Fusedace Database展会做设计。2006年在首尔艺术工厂第一次办个展Sulki &am Min: Factory 060421-060513,荣获韩国艺术协会2006年年度艺术奖。2008年在首尔的Kimjinhye美术馆举办第二次个展Sulki &...
/show-18002.html 2011-11-16