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1. 比利时Close Combat博览会展示设计

Close Combat原来的空间十分复杂,几何多重多样性使人迷路,采用拟人的设计。

/show-13947.html 2011-08-27

2. 亲自然——Close to you

编辑:沈艳婕   文:澄 设计:大匀国际空间设计、MOGA太舍馆 摄影:duo-image柏达双影         大匀国际空间设计联合建言建筑、翰祥景观于2010年底竣工完毕的三亚香水君澜别墅,坐拥独特的背山面海...

/show-16862.html 2011-11-04

3. 国外石材大板欣赏10

  Close-up: Country of Origin: Norway Blue in the Night is a wonderfully dark, rich black stone with flecks of bright blue labradorite. This is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a black stone with a spot of color, or anyone who likes the look of Labrador Antique but prefers ...

/show-695.html 2010-03-22

4. 国外石材大板欣赏12

  Close-up: Country of Origin: Angola This rich brown stone is characterized by unusually large flakes and large areas of iridescence, which reflect different colors at different angles - sometimes white, sometimes chestnut, and sometimes blue.

/show-697.html 2010-03-22

5. 外贸课堂 常见的海运术语条款

随着我国外贸进出口行业的发展,从事外贸进出口的人越来越多。虽然说英语是外贸进出口最必须具备的能力,但是外贸知识也是必不可少的。本文为您介绍常见的海运术语条款,希望对大家有所帮助。      ...

/show-1913.html 2010-04-24

6. 世界建筑节办公建筑奖 汉堡Unileverhaus办公楼

... urban developments in Europe. Directly on the banks of the Elbe River and close to the Elbphilharmonie, the building marks the end of an important axis between the city centre and HafenCity, neighbouring Hamburgs new attraction, the cruise ship terminal. ...

/show-584.html 2010-03-17

7. 迈阿密2007设计展:艺术品一样的家具

...赏: 另外,“凳子——与地面如此亲近”(stools - so close to the ground)主题展也是非常引人瞩目的一个活动。在本次主题展上,我们将见到23为当代世界级设计大师的凳子设计,可谓百花齐放,争芳斗艳。其中包括Jaer Morrison、M...

/show-13531.html 2011-08-26

8. 施旭东作品 创意亚洲音乐吧--海魅

... breeding the human and loading the human civilization development. We are closely related with the sea. 中国的古典文明如海洋般的神秘却暗藏着深深的力量,和西方文明的碰撞必将冲刷出最优美的乐意。 The Chinese classical civilization, like the mystical of the...

/show-19560.html 2012-03-22

9. 高木贵间设计温暖村落House K

...see if we could design a space that would be‘indoor’(which was closed in terms of the thermal environment) but would give a feeling of being‘outdoors’as a backdrop within the building.      日本的北海道地区位于日本列岛的最北部,以冬...

/show-16781.html 2011-11-04

10. 德国红点设计大奖 新颖别样生活用品

...   Landscapes of functionality Form and function are very closely related to one another and every well-designed product interprets this relation in its own often highly individual approach. “Each product serves its function, while addressing issues/changes within its environm...

/show-1227.html 2011-05-16