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71. 【工程赏析】跨界设计师的黑白格调之作

...高潮。一层餐厅餐厅边上挂着一幅年仅16岁超级模特Lucky blue smith的肖像,精致有趣的细节不但弥补了视觉的单调,还给这个空间的添了几分年轻活跃的气氛。厨房比邻客餐厅的厨房,也收到了宾客的一致好评,他亲自监督制作的...

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72. 艺术性仓库17C 西班牙建筑欣赏

...work reveals itself. Any witness of the process remains intact. The powder blue of levels, the retrieval and consolidation of columns, signs, wrinkles, wounds still open, like the existence of an old man with no oddities, where its immoderate personality seems to be beyond anything. Against ...

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