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61. 揭密印度天然石材矿产资源现状

...(Chittorgarh)。   石灰石   黄色石灰石(Yellow Limestone)和哥打石灰石(Kotastone)是印度最早的两块石灰石,产于拉贾斯坦邦,其中黄色石灰石的矿山是在贾沙梅尔区,哥打石灰石是在哥打地区。印度其他主要的石灰石极...

/show-262.html 2010-03-26

62. 石材市场-印度主要的天然石材矿产资源介绍

...(Chittorgarh)。   石灰石   黄色石灰石(Yellow Limestone)和哥打石灰石(Kotastone)是印度最早的两块石灰石,产于拉贾斯坦邦,其中黄色石灰石的矿山是在贾沙梅尔区,哥打石灰石是在哥打地区。印度其他主要的石灰石极...

/show-7371.html 2011-05-19

63. 今年销量最大的是那一种石材?

... 电/传:0633-5567553 手机:13963051526 网站: http://www.sdstonee.com http://www.lizhustone.com/ 阿里巴巴诚信商铺: http://www.sdlzsc.com.cn/ 中国石材高级会员: http://shandong.stone365.com/ 中国石材网高级会员: http://lzstone.stonebuy.com/ 厂址:山...

/ask/show-156.html 2011-06-11

64. 便宜石材哪里找?

山东全美石材-自有大型矿山-规格齐全-欢迎选购 全美石材-石全石美 电/传:0633-5567553 手机:13963051526 13863379795 www.lizhustone.com www.lzstone.stonebuy.com www.shandong.stone365.com www.sdlzsc.com.cn

/ask/show-177.html 2011-10-01

65. 国外石材大板欣赏

Country of Origin: Italy The swirling pattern of Amadeus gives this stone instant recognition. Dark blue is shot through with mint green veins and accented by a purple-red fleck.  

/show-678.html 2010-03-22

66. 国外石材大板欣赏1

Amarelo Argentina 3cm Bundle #4859 Country of Origin: Argentina This relatively consistent stone, made up of flakes of cream, gold and black, offers a slightly more unusual alternative to selections such as Santa Cecilia or Giallo Vicenza.

/show-686.html 2010-03-18

67. 国外石材大板欣赏2

...rest without overpowering the overall design. Avocato would be the perfect stone for clients who wish to create a more unified color scheme, rather than setting the granite apart as a focal point.

/show-687.html 2010-03-22

68. 国外石材大板欣赏4

Country of Origin: Brazil This heavily-veined stone contains various semi-precious minerals that yield soft wedgewood blues and, in some instances, brilliant turquoises. This beautiful material is found in the Brazilian state of Bahia.

/show-689.html 2010-03-22

69. 国外石材大板欣赏5

  Country of Origin: Brazil This exquisite blue quartzite features soft veining in a lovely sky-blue color. Darker veins of cerulean and subtle infusions of warm beige make this a truly unique stone.

/show-690.html 2010-03-22

70. 国外石材大板欣赏6

  Country of Origin: Italy The large, subtly-colored flakes scattered on this black background make Black Beauty granite one of our most unique stones. This is one of the premier black granites due to its unusual variation.

/show-691.html 2010-03-22