...a cube. The cylindrical section removed from the base of the back provides space for comfort and room for garments. The double depth of the back offers good suspension and support and is visually and haptically inviting. 二、Don Corleone Lounge Sofa honourable mention red dot award: produ...
/show-1040.html 2011-05-16
...p; 多功能建筑 Sergio Sebastián Franco – ArchaeoLogical Space – 一等奖 Architecture Discipline – Mana Ranakpur – 二等奖 AT103 – Havre 69 –三等奖 商务设计 FGMF Arquitects – Multiuse Complex – 一等奖 Fo...
/show-22159.html 2014-07-21
...es. The situation “behind the church” features attractive open spaces.Our thoughts to shaping the structure are defined by analogies to the townscape of Hailfingen. “飘落的雪花纷飞窗上,晚祷的钟声久久回荡;舒适的室内令人...
/show-16770.html 2011-11-04
...s, among them different options to lay the flooring, create a new sense of space. 四、Straightforward Carpet Tile red dot red dot award: product design 2008 Straightforward is a flexibly adaptable and highly impact-resistant carpet tile measuring 50 x 50 cm and avai...
/show-1570.html 2011-05-16
...009 Cammeo defines itself as a piece of art with enough space for everyday storage. The series consists of clearly lined, functional containers that are machine-washable. They can be used in many different ways and appear modern and unique. It is a pleasure to use them. &...
/show-1215.html 2011-05-16
... to become the new contemporary urban centre. Its role as a unique urban space within the dense fabric of the medieval inner city of Seville allows for a great variety of activities such as memory, leisure and commerce. A highly developed infrastructure helps to activate the square, maki...
/show-9321.html 2011-04-03
...国最新顶尖样板房》、 《3R亚太室内设计》、《Creative Space》 《海峡两岸室内设计作品集》 《2009年中国样板间年鉴》 《TASTEFUL HOME MODERN STYLE》 《2008 ANNUAL Journal of AIDIA》 …………
/show-19583.html 2012-05-31
...tudio. We take a great interest in the relationship between the body and space, with architecture acting as a mediator that can provoke and promote very specific types of uses and movement patterns. [page] 42 42 is a young architecture and design studio b...
/show-11497.html 2011-07-11
...---开放的书法时空” The Art of Writing and ofNon-Writing:The Open Space for Chinese Calligraphy中国杭州国际现代书法双年 展[杭州]2004-2005年 《问花解语系列》参加中法年系列展LAFRANCE MAND ARING国际巡回展[上海/北京/巴黎]2004年 《问花解...
/show-14150.html 2011-08-31
... colors with a striking mix of genres and periods to create lively magical spaces that inhabit memories and enrich lives. ——Jamie Drake(我热爱任何形式的美。混合不同时期的风格流派,加入大胆的色彩,创造出鲜活奇妙的空间,并以此美化生活、凝...
/show-11878.html 2011-08-15