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61. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-H

...钻 Carmen Red [ H ] 红钻麻 Carmen Red [ H ] 湖水蓝 Lake Placid Blue [ H ] 蝴蝶绿 Butterfly Green [ H ] 蝴蝶墨绿麻 Verdre Butterfly [ H ] 虎皮红 Tiger Skin [ H ] 虎皮黄 Yellow Tiger Skin [ H ] 虎皮石 Rosso Salome 或 Tiger Skin [ H ] 琥珀红 Najran Red [ H ]...

/show-8492.html 2011-03-23

62. 中国石材产地简介

...地铺粗加工(离港口近)   嘉祥——天青石(blue stone)   5. 河北   易县——S1120/ P014/机制鹅卵石   满城——S1120   承德——燕山绿(承德绿)   宁寿——中国黑   宁城/邢...

/show-2105.html 2011-05-18

63. 中国石材产地简介

...地铺粗加工(离港口近)   嘉祥——天青石(blue stone)   5. 河北   易县——S1120/ P014/机制鹅卵石   满城——S1120   承德——燕山绿(承德绿)   宁寿——中国黑   宁城/邢...

/show-7644.html 2011-03-14

64. 走进建筑名师 朱锫

...Architectural Review》、《Architectural Record》、《Wall Paper》《Blue Print》、《Interni》、《A+U》等世界著名杂志。[page]   主要作品目录:   2004,数字北京大厦   2005,华京大厦酒店改造(木棉花酒店)   2006,蔡国强四合院改...

/show-4722.html 2010-08-09

65. 石材中英文对译——W篇

... 黑白筋 White Vine Black 肖厝白 White Xiaocuo 白蓝钻 WhiteE Blue Diamond 威地粉红麻 Wid Pink 粗点白麻 Wide Dot White Grain 宽木纹 Wide Wood 西湖垂柳 Willow Green 紫云杨柳青 Willow Green Of Ziyun 木纹砂岩 Wood Sandstone 海洋白 White Marine ...

/show-4934.html 2010-08-24

66. 中国主要石材产地介绍

...粗加工(离港口近)     嘉祥——天青石(blue stone)     5. 河北     易县——S1120/ P014/机制鹅卵石     满城——S1120     承德——燕山绿(承德绿)     宁寿&...

/show-20151.html 2012-10-29

67. 德国红点设计大奖 给您预料之外的创意惊喜

..., wenge and maple veneer, or lacquered in white, black, grey, orange, red, blue and green.    二、Dondola Seating Programme red dot red dot award: product design 2009     This seating programme includes benches, rocking seats, and lounge chairs. A consistent design conc...

/show-1025.html 2011-05-16

68. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

...us’ box office, a large, illuminated glass bar with an undulating, blue-tinted titanium canopy, and baby-blue banquettes with plywood backing. The space features polished concrete floors and painted walls. A plasma wall, measuring 17 foot long by 6.5 foot high, lines the box office, facin...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

69. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 阿达莫的XPS笔记本

...ctive experience of opening the notebook is intensified through the use of blue LEDs lights – all of these features contribute to the highly distinctive aesthetics and functionality of this notebook, which has the power to fascinate its user anew every day. 便携式唯美主义者,“...

/show-10379.html 2011-05-16

70. 石材外贸 外贸小助手之外贸新手易犯的N个错误

...的船公司。具体的案例:某意大利客人的指定船公司是 BLUE ANCHOR的船,下单后客人也把该船公司的联系方式以及提单的复印件传给我们。当我们电话联系是,被告知这个电话原来是长荣的,现在搬迁了。因为助手不 知道客人指...

/show-3601.html 2010-06-23