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61. 石材中英文对译——V篇

...nk 加拿大朱红麻(枫山红) Vermillion 沃塞利丝黑 Versailles Black 越南红 Vietnam Red 越南黄 Vietnom Yellow 克曼紫 Viola Kerman 紫罗兰 Violet 罗源紫罗兰?? Violet Of Luoyuan 喜德紫罗兰 Violet Of xide 维珍黑 Virgian MistIST 威斯康白 Viscont Wh...

/show-4946.html 2010-08-24

62. 印度石材:圈内人看STONA展会

...和其它印度公司相比。   印度盛产黑色大理石,其中black galaxy黑金沙最为国内用户所熟知,印度人对黑色,身率等深色系石材似乎情有独钟,所以石制品和墓碑产品在展会上比重也不小,其中以欧式墓碑为主。印度的石雕拼...

/show-396.html 2010-03-13

63. “龙卷风”服装专卖店设计 42 Architects

...ls, swooshes, vortexes and eddys - manifested as a system of hand formed black PVC coated tubes onto which garments can be hung. Visitors are invited to follow the structure as it winds through the room, while encountering concentrations of displayed garments along the way. The black tube also...

/show-11497.html 2011-07-11

64. 石材中英文对译——M篇

...hite 银沙石 Moca Cream 法国木化石 Moca Green 摩卡黑 Mocca Black 摩卡绿 Mocca Green 玛格尔沙绿 Mogalsar Green 梵舍威图灰 Moncervetto 摩奇石 Monchique 蒙古兰 Monglia Blue 山花 Montain Flower 蒙大纳绿 Montana Green 月光石 Moon Light 新印...

/show-4937.html 2010-08-24

65. 施旭东作品 创意亚洲音乐吧--海魅

...nt form like a pearl spreads its magic in spaces of falseness and truth or black and white. [page]   [page]         [page]  

/show-19560.html 2012-03-22

66. 德国红点设计大奖 简约室内装修系列

...s therefore changes. The following colours are offered: Event Clear white, black, green, aubergine, brown and sand. Inserts are available in glossy pure white, glossy cream white, anthracite and aluminium. The whole assortment of Gira Event Clear is available featuring more than 230 functions for mo...

/show-1175.html 2011-05-16

67. 德国红点设计大奖 精致创意厨房装饰

...ception is characterised by a strikingly clear visual language. Aluminium, black or stainless steel coloured, it gives the space to be designed subtle nuances. The appearance is light and delicate, with much leeway for individuality and aesthetics. The horizontal line management of the corpus elemen...

/show-1445.html 2011-05-16

68. 德国红点设计大奖 新颖别样生活用品

...iosyncratic interpretation. The colour choice of yellow, white, orange and black further enhance this impression. A highly interesting solution are the scissors plus base: highly consistent in their individual forms, these two elements blend into a unity so that the scissors, which rest well in the ...

/show-1227.html 2011-05-16

69. 新古典主义 豪华创意别墅设计

...种冷色调搭配,给人一种沉稳、经典之美。来自Baccarat的Black Chandelier吊灯搭配这款来自Moooi的Carved餐桌和座椅,营造了一种令人沉醉的和谐之美。 [page]   卧室内,来自Carrara的白色大理石融合了图片左侧的Bisazza花型马赛克...

/show-6631.html 2011-02-24

70. 石材中英文对译——P篇

...earl White 柏丽金 Pearlly Yellow 鹅卵石 Pebble 牡丹黑 Peony Black 浦城牡丹紅 Peony Red Of Pu City 翡翠灰白麻 Peppermint 欧洲米黄 Perlato Europa 红螺米黄 Perlato Malta 王朝珍珠黄 Perlato Royal 新米黄 Perlato Sicilia 黄沙石 Perlato Sictlla ...

/show-4940.html 2010-08-24